Recommended Coding Practices for Databricks Development

Nagaraju Gajula
Better Data Platforms
4 min readAug 11, 2023


The introduction sets the context and provides an overview of the content on recommended coding practices for Databricks development. It introduces Databricks as a cloud-based platform for big data processing and analytics and highlights the importance of following coding standards for improved code quality, maintainability, and performance. It mentions that while Databricks does not have an official coding standards document, there are commonly recommended practices and guidelines to follow. The introduction serves as a brief introduction to the main topics covered in the content.

Here are some commonly recommended coding standards for Databricks:

  1. Consistent Indentation:

# Good
for i in range(5):

# Bad - inconsistent indentation
for i in range(5):

Using consistent indentation (e.g., four spaces or one tab) enhances code readability and makes it easier to identify code blocks.

2. Variable and Function Naming:

# Good
def calculate_average(scores_list):
total = sum(scores_list)
average = total / len(scores_list)
return average

# Bad - unclear variable and function names
def calc_avg(lst):
s = sum(lst)
a = s / len(lst)
return a

Descriptive variable and function names help improve code understanding and maintainability.

3.Comments and Documentation:

# Good
def calculate_average(scores_list):
Calculate the average score from a list of scores.
scores_list (list): List of numeric scores.
float: Average score.
total = sum(scores_list)
average = total / len(scores_list)
return average

# Bad - insufficient comments and documentation
def calc_avg(lst):
# Calculate average
s = sum(lst)
a = s / len(lst)
return a

Adding meaningful comments and documenting functions improves code readability and helps others understand the purpose and usage of the code.

4.Modularity and Reusability:

# Good
def calculate_average(scores_list):
total = sum(scores_list)
average = total / len(scores_list)
return average

def calculate_grade(average):
if average >= 90:
return 'A'
elif average >= 80:
return 'B'
return 'C'

# Bad - all code in a single function
def calculate_grade(scores_list):
total = sum(scores_list)
average = total / len(scores_list)
if average >= 90:
return 'A'
elif average >= 80:
return 'B'
return 'C'

Breaking down complex tasks into smaller functions promotes code modularity and reusability.

5.Error Handling:

# Good
def divide_numbers(a, b):
result = a / b
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("Error: Division by zero!")
return None
return result

# Bad - no error handling
def divide_numbers(a, b):
result = a / b
return result

Implementing proper error handling with try-catch blocks improves code robustness and prevents crashes due to exceptions.

6.Avoid Hardcoding:

# Good - Use configuration file or environment variable
import os

# Read file path from environment variable
file_path = os.environ.get("DATA_FILE_PATH")

# Read database credentials from a configuration file
config = read_config_file("config.ini")
db_username = config["database"]["username"]
db_password = config["database"]["password"]

Instead of hardcoding values like file paths or credentials directly in the code, utilize configuration files or environment variables to store such information. This allows for easier maintenance and deployment across different environments without modifying the code.

7.Performance Optimization:

# Good - Utilize Spark's lazy evaluation and caching
# Perform transformations without triggering actions
transformed_data = raw_data.filter(condition).select(columns)

# Cache intermediate data for reuse

# Optimize data partitioning for parallel processing
partitioned_data = transformed_data.repartition("key_column")

# Perform necessary actions
result = partitioned_data.groupBy("key_column").agg(functions.sum("value_column"))

# Bad - Performing actions too early and without caching
result = raw_data.filter(condition).select(columns).groupBy("key_column").agg(functions.sum("value_column"))

In Databricks, utilize Spark’s lazy evaluation by chaining transformations before triggering actions. Additionally, leverage caching mechanisms to avoid recomputing intermediate results. Optimize data partitioning to allow for parallel processing and improve performance. These techniques can enhance the efficiency of data transformations and actions in a Databricks environment.

  1. Use Databricks Notebooks Wisely: Databricks Notebooks are powerful tools for interactive data exploration and analysis. However, it’s important to avoid using notebooks for production code that will be executed repeatedly. Instead, consider converting reusable and production-worthy code into functions, libraries, or scripts.
  2. Follow Databricks Best Practices: Databricks provides official documentation and best practices guides that cover various aspects of using the platform effectively. It is recommended to review and follow these guidelines to ensure optimal performance, scalability, and security.
  3. Collaborate with Team Members: Encourage collaboration and code reviews within your development team. Engage in discussions and leverage code review tools to ensure code quality, catch errors, and share knowledge among team members.
  4. Monitor and Optimize Job Execution: Continuously monitor and analyze the performance of your Databricks jobs. Identify bottlenecks, optimize resource allocation, and fine-tune configurations to maximize efficiency and reduce execution times.
  5. Data Security and Privacy: Implement appropriate security measures to protect sensitive data and comply with privacy regulations. Ensure that access controls, encryption, and data masking techniques are in place to safeguard data assets.


The conclusion summarizes the key recommendations and highlights the importance of adhering to coding practices for Databricks development. It emphasizes the significance of avoiding hardcoding values, optimizing performance, and utilizing version control systems. It also mentions the importance of following Databricks best practices, collaborating with team members, and considering data security and privacy measures. The conclusion reinforces the idea that adopting these coding practices can contribute to more efficient and maintainable code in Databricks, leading to improved data processing and analysis workflows.

