Understand the differences between ASP.NET MVC 5 and 6

Ravinder Verma
Published in
5 min readOct 4, 2021

How is ASP.Net MVC 5 different from ASP.Net MVC 6?

  1. Single aligned internet stack for ASP.NET Core MVC and internet APIs

ASP.NET-5 gives the user the option to choose a Web API or MVC or both when a web application is created. Web APIs have web stacks, due to which they are different from the MVC-5. So, they both are not in line with each other, although their titles are similar.

Currently, MVC-6 has an internet stack for MVC-6 and web API.

The grey color check box in the below image is for web API and MVC-5 showing, the possibility of adding API.

2. Structural changes in the project

We don’t find any global.asax, web.config, when we see ASP.NET MVC-6 resolution sole in right-hand facet. “Project.json”, “Config.json”,”gulpfile.js” etc. are used for the files which are not working properly, or for the files which are missing. The below screenshots are few examples of the changes made when we check folder-wise:

3. Targets of ASP.NET Core MVC

.Net frame is a wonderful expertise. The cross-platform implementation of .NET is ASP.NET core. It is primarily driven by five workloads of ASP.NET, either ASP. NET MVC 6 or ASP.NET MVC 5 is developed. Then it is run on either Windows or UNIX operating system or victimization of Visual Studio Code or any alternate IDE.

4. ASP.NET MVC-6 is not dependent on IIS when it comes to hosting

The main goal of ASP.NET-5 is cross-platform victimization of the .NET core framework. Keeping this in mind, Microsoft has gone ahead to host ASP.NET-5 applications. It’s not solely on IIS either. They either self-host or make use of the kestrel internet server on Linux.

Apart from the IIS hosting, these are the developmental stages. However, they can be hosted on any operating system. From the sample ASP.NET MVC-6 application, we check for the hosting.ini file.

5. The current location of static files is ‘wwwroot’

Wwwroot folder represents the actual root of the application when we run it on an online server. Few static files like config.json are not accessible since accurate measurement of such files cannot be done in wwwroot. There is no necessity to create special rules to access such sensitive files. A static file mainly consists of JavaScripts, CSS files, images, plain markup language, library, etc.

Apart from the protection advantage, additional benefits are that the wwwroot folder simplifies common tasks like bundling and magnification. Automated victimization tools such as Grant are used in systematic construction methods for easy organization of these folders.

Under “web root”, ‘wwwroot’ is modified as ‘demowwwroot’ in project.json.

6. Approach to server-consumer aspects and the dependency of packages

The reference folder contains all DLLs and Nuget packages for any specific ASP.NET framework. Every .NET developer will be aware of this. Our target will be DNX 4.5.1 and DNX Core 5.0 in ASP.NET-5 development in Visual Studio.

ASP.NET is deployed in five applications and the experience of operating in visual studio IDE is leveraged. ASP.NET is deployed in windows or Linux, or Mac mistreatment DNX core 5.0. It is the server-side management of dependencies.

As the consumers have many different packages from the server, client dependency management is highly required.

Client aspect consists of jquery, bootstrap, grunt, javascript frameworks like angularjs, backbone, etc., images and style files. The client aspect package is also called ‘bower’ and ‘npm’ in the open supply community. These are a part of the dependencies.

7. Saving space in ASP.NET MVC-6 using server packages

The NuGet package manager is used for featuring a relation among assemblies, frameworks, libraries, or any third-party packages. The package folder is created in the project structure with the downloaded references. There are 30 applications of ASP.NET MVC-5 which make use of the Nuget packages. Each pricey is approximately 70MB in the disk house. So, we complete around 2 GB of space for storing packages albeit where all are similar.

Few developers apprehended this issue regarding the user’s folder and its reference in applications. Visual Studio 15 will take reference of everything from the user’s folder. So, even if you have 100 applications, every application will be referred from the user’s folder, and -the size will be around 400MB.

8. Constitutional dependency injection (DI) and its support for .NET core MVE (MVC-6)

Dependency injections (DI) make the code a loosely coupled and testable one. For a reasonable cryptography commonplace, it is very necessary.

In asp.net MVC 4/5 or classic aspx primary-based apps, separate DI containers will be there and, there are used like unity, autofac and structure map, etc. It’s an additional task to use DI for building up the project.

We have inbuilt DI in ASP.NET 5/6. So we can directly get the services in the applications built based on ASP.NET 5/6.MVVC-6 application has DI in it.

9. User analysis of ASP.NET core

While we try to implement something out of our knowledge into the development within the project tree, there is every scope of committing mistakes where the code is shared and TFS (source control tool) is added to it accidentally.

In ASP.NET-5 id, we search for project.json file and we find usersecretid.

A secret manager tool is present which generates the user secrets.

The secret manager tool even provides a general mechanism to store sensitive knowledge for the developmental work outside of the project tree. This tool doesn’t encrypt, so it is trustworthy and is used for only developmental purposes.

10. EMPTY BIN folder

An empty bin folder is created because of the memory execution of the code files. Sometimes the execution is terminated permanently. We can edit the code and make minor changes to it. In ASP.NET-5 we won’t stop the memory execution, since we have the facility to make changes to the code and run it again. However, the memory execution leads to the creation of an empty bin folder.

Why do we prefer MVC6 to MVC5?

  • System.web.dll is removed in MVC6
  • Usage of cloud-optimized framework
  • Single aligned web stack for web API’S and web UI’s

You have now learned the benefits of MVC6 and how it differs from MVC5. You can ask your queries to the ASP. Net Application Development Company and get a response in a limited time. Also, feedback for this story and let our readers know how your experience with MVC development was.

