Key Strategies for Mastering Prompt Engineering

Valentina Acevedo
Published in
8 min readJul 31, 2024

Large Language Models (LLMs) are advanced artificial intelligence models that process and generate natural text based on patterns learned from vast data.

What makes them so special? Their great appeal, which is well known to us, lies in their ability to handle long contexts and generate text fluently and coherently. Their rapid development and refinement have significantly transformed various areas such as virtual assistance, content creation, machine translation, and education.

ChatGPT: A Notable Example of LLMs 🤖

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a prime example of these large language models. It is based on transformer architecture, specifically the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series of models, which has significantly evolved over time.

Capabilities of GPT Models

Powered by these advanced versions of GPT models, ChatGPT can understand and produce text with a high degree of coherence and accuracy.

Mind Map on the Capabilities of Large Language Models

The capabilities of language models and their inherent nature make them powerful tools. ChatGPT has had a profound impact on various industries. In the business sector, virtual assistants and chatbots powered by these models improve customer service and increase operational efficiency. In education, these models provide personalized tutoring and educational resources tailored to the individual needs of students. In content creation, they enable the generation of high-quality texts at scale, from journalistic articles to video scripts.

Interacting with these models is accessible to everyone, but how can we make the most of these capabilities? The instructions we input into the model, in our language, are called prompts. The importance of these instructions lies in their ability to direct the model’s attention and efforts toward a specific goal. A well-crafted prompt allows the model to generate more accurate and relevant responses, maximizing its effectiveness and utility in various applications.

How to Write Clear and Specific Instructions for Large Language Models 🚀

Language models cannot read minds yet. These models require clear instructions and sufficient context to generate relevant and accurate responses.

If the inputs are simple and vague, the output will be equally unsatisfactory. The less the model has to infer, the better, as this leads to more satisfying generated responses.

General Strategies

1. Request an Expert in the Field

Specify the role the model should assume.

Example: "Act as an expert in entrepreneurship and innovation."

2. Provide Broad and Sufficient Context

Establish a clear context for your situation. This can vary depending on the clarity of your objectives.

1. Example: "Generate innovative business ideas in the context of environmental sustainability."

2. Example: "Generate innovative business ideas.
Location: The business will be located in a mid-sized city with a population of approximately 500,000 inhabitants.
Demographics: The population is diverse, with a predominant age range between 25 and 45 years, a relatively high level of education, and a tendency toward consuming tech products and services.
Economy: The city has a mixed economy, with emerging sectors in technology, services, and retail."

3. Specify the Task

Write a specific task for the model to work on.

1. Example: "The task is to propose ideas that address ecological problems and are viable in the current market."

2. Example: "Generate three business ideas that meet the mentioned criteria.
Briefly explain why each idea is viable and how it aligns with market trends and needs.
Suggest a possible initial action plan for each idea, including the first steps for implementation."

4. Provide Details

To expand the prompt and enhance the output according to your goals, offer additional details to guide the model’s response.

1. Example: "Ensure to include details about the problem the idea solves, the target audience, and the business model."

2. Example: "Population Interests and Needs: Preference for sustainable and eco-friendly products, high demand for digital services and technological solutions, growing interest in health and wellness.
Competition: The city offers a variety of traditional services, but there is room for innovations and businesses that integrate technology and sustainability.
Available Resources: Access to startup financing programs, business incubators, and an active entrepreneurial community."

5. Use Delimiters to Clearly Indicate Different Parts of the Query

The use of delimiters such as quotation marks, brackets, or labels can help separate and clarify different sections of the prompt. This makes it easier for the model to understand and process each part of the input correctly.

Example: "Summarize the following text in one sentence: [Text]"

6. Request a Structured Output

Specify the format of the response you want. This can include lists, paragraphs, numbered sections, etc.

Example: "Provide a list of benefits of artificial intelligence in medicine: [Benefit 1, Benefit 2, Benefit 3]"

7. ‘Few-shot’ Prompting

Provide examples of desired inputs and outputs to guide the model on how the response should be structured.


Create catchy and memorable advertising slogans for different products. Below are some examples:

Product: Artisanal Coffee
Slogan: "Awaken your senses with every sip."

Product: Sports Shoes
Slogan: "Run towards your goals with comfort and style."

Product: Sunscreen
Slogan: "Protect your skin, enjoy the sun."

8. Give the Model Time to “Think”

Allow the model some “thinking” time; this can result in more detailed and accurate responses.

8.1. Specify the Steps Required to Complete the Task

Clearly outline the steps the model should follow to complete the task.

Example: "First, identify the key points of the text. Then, summarize each point in one sentence."

8.2. Instruct the Model to Work Through Its Solution Before Rushing to a Conclusion

Encourage the model to consider different angles and arrive at a well-thought-out conclusion.

Example: "Consider multiple interpretations before concluding."

8.3. Use Internal Monologue or a Sequence of Queries to Guide the Model’s Reasoning Process

This can help the model follow a more logical and structured line of thought.

Example: "First, analyze the provided data. Second, evaluate the possible conclusions. Finally, select the most logical conclusion."

8.4. Ask the Model if It Overlooked Anything in Previous Outputs

Instruct the model to review its reasoning process to ensure that no important details have been missed.

Example: "Is there any detail you might have overlooked in your previous analysis?"

Specific Strategies for Different Tasks

1. Summarization

Be concise and direct: To obtain a summary, the prompt should be straightforward.

Example: "Summarize the following text in one sentence: [Text]."

Indicate the length of the summary: If you need a more detailed summary, you can specify.

Example: "Provide a two-paragraph summary of the following text: [Text]."

2. Inference

Ask direct questions: To infer information, pose specific questions.

Example: "What can be inferred about the main character in the following text: [Text]?"

3. Transformation

Specify the output format: When you need to transform text, clearly specify the desired output format.

Example: "Convert the following paragraph into a bullet point list: [Text]."

Iterative Prompt Development

Iteration is key to improving the quality of prompts and the generated responses. Refining prompts based on previous answers and adjusting them until achieving the desired output is an effective practice.

Iteration Example:

First Iteration:
Prompt: "Briefly explain the theory of relativity."
Response: "The theory of relativity was developed by Einstein and describes the movement of objects in space-time."

Prompt: "Briefly explain Einstein's theory of relativity, focusing on special relativity."
Improved Response: "Einstein's theory of special relativity states that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers and that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant."

Formula for Prompt Creation ⚗️

  1. [Person]: Define the role the model should assume
  2. [Context]: Provide a clear and specific context
  3. [Task]: Clearly state the main task or question
  4. [Details]: Include additional details to guide the response, such as specific points to address, examples to mention, or constraints to consider
  5. [Examples]: Provide examples to guide the response
Example 1:

Act as a digital marketing expert for a campaign to promote a new tech product. Design a digital marketing strategy for the product launch, including specific tactics for social media, online advertising, and content marketing. Consider the target audience and current market trends. Provide the response in the form of a detailed list of steps followed by an implementation timeline.
Create targeted ads on Facebook and Google Ads.
Develop engaging content for Instagram and YouTube.
Collaborate with influencers in the tech industry.
Implement an email marketing campaign with exclusive promotions.
Example 2:

Act as a community manager for a sustainable fashion brand aiming to increase its social media presence. Provide a posting schedule for the upcoming month, including content ideas that highlight sustainability, product quality, and the stories behind the brand. Specify the types of posts (images, videos, stories) and the platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter). Provide the response in the form of a monthly calendar with brief descriptions of each post.
Monday: Post a video about the sustainable production process.
Wednesday: Photo of the day-to-day in the factory with a worker's story.
Friday: Infographic about the environmental benefits of the products.
Sunday: Instagram stories showcasing customers wearing the products.
Example 3:

Act as a psychologist specializing in mental health in a program to improve the mental well-being of employees in a company. Design a series of workshops and activities to promote mental well-being in the workplace, including stress management techniques, mindfulness, and activities that foster a positive environment. Consider the duration and frequency of the sessions. Provide the response in the form of a list of workshops with detailed descriptions and a suggested schedule.
Stress Management Workshop: Breathing and relaxation techniques (once a week).
Mindfulness Sessions: Guided meditation and mindfulness exercises (twice a week).
Team Activities: Team-building exercises and group dynamics (once a month).
Motivational Talks: Inviting experts to speak on resilience and positive mindset (once a quarter).


Creating effective prompts is a crucial skill that directly impacts the achievement of desired outcomes in various contexts. From education to healthcare and content creation, well-designed prompts can guide, focus, and facilitate the attainment of specific goals. By understanding the objectives, being clear and specific, providing context, using a structured format, offering examples, and refining iteratively, one can create prompts that truly make a difference.

Crafting effective prompts is an investment that yields significant dividends in terms of accuracy, clarity, and success in the assigned task. By following these guidelines, the positive impact of prompts can be maximized in any application area.

Additional Resources🗄️

For those interested in generating high-quality prompts and avoiding the manual creation of lengthy prompts, it is recommended to use the tool Prompt Master. This tool is specifically designed to help formulate clear and effective instructions for language models like ChatGPT.

GPT Specialized in Prompt Generation:

Prompt Master facilitates the creation of prompts aimed at maximizing the performance of language models. Access the tool through the following link:

GPT Specialized in Prompt Generation


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