Laura N. Montoya
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2018

Dear Friends,

In the wake of the NIPS conference being sold out in under 12 mins, the Latinx in AI Coalition has reserved from the conference chairs a select number of tickets for our speakers so that they may participate and receive the full experience that NIPS has to offer rather than just attending to our particular workshop.

Please note: These are not free tickets, everyone who attends NIPS needs to pay the full price. Also, these tickets are for people who will buy tickets for the full conference, tutorials, and workshops (not partial registrations).

In light of this update, we have decided to extend our deadline for abstract submissions! Simply submit your abstract to LXAI by September 20th, 2018 and get the chance to be part of the first dedicated representation of LatinX researchers at NIPS!

Submit Abstract: http://www.latinxinai.org/nips-2018-apply

We strongly encourage students, postdocs, and researchers who primarily identify as LatinX in all areas of machine learning to submit an abstract. You can submit work that is in progress, has been submitted to another conference, or work that has been published before.

Important Dates

Travel grants will be awarded on an as needed basis to researchers and scientists that have been accepted to participate.

Travel Grant Application: http://www.latinxinai.org/nips-2018-travel

Program Committee

Reviewers will be volunteer members of the Latinx in AI Research community. Reviewers will be matched with abstracts within their area of specialization.

If you or other industry or academic researchers you know may be interested in helping with this initiative, please forward along our program committee application.

Join Program Committee: http://www.latinxinai.org/nips-2018-committee


If you are traveling from Mexico, Spain or Chile, you only need an ETA to enter Canada. If you require a visa to attend, it is suggested by NIPS that you apply no later than October 4th as it may take several months for processing:


Call for Allies

Latinx in AI is asking allies to donate their free AC (Area Chair) registrations to Latinx in AI speakers and poster presenters for whom cost may be a barrier to attend. These tickets are transferable — NIPS has given the Area Chairs until Sept 11th to transfer their tickets. In addition, there are also free tickets to top reviewers of NIPS.

If you are willing to transfer your free ticket to NIPS to LXAI Speakers, please email us at latinxinai@accel.ai.

Questions Regarding LXAI @ NIPS 2018

Join our Latinx in AI Membership Forum to ask questions of our workshop chairs: http://www.latinxinai.org/membership

Complete your submission by September 20th, 2018 and be a part of the start of something special!

Submit Abstract: http://www.latinxinai.org/nips-2018-apply

We are creating a public directory of LatinX individuals active in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. This directory will be maintained by the LatinX in AI (LXAI) organization.

If you are organizing an event related to artificial intelligence, this list serves as a resource for potential speakers.

Add to our directory — http://bit.ly/LatinXinAI-Directory-Form

Stay Up to Date with LXAI

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay up to date with our community events, research, volunteer opportunities, and job listings shared by our community and allies!

Subscribe to our Newsletter!

Join our community on:

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/latinxinai/

Twitter — https://twitter.com/_LXAI

Linkedin — https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13566752

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Laura N. Montoya

Investor, #AI Researcher, & Speaker. Founder @Accel Impact VC @Accel.ai & @LatinxinAI. Find me @QuickResolute or in/lnmontoya or www.LauraNMontoya.com