From Intern to Innovator

Thaisa Fernandes
Latinx In Power
Published in
8 min readNov 21, 2023

Based on an episode with Guilherme Abreu 🇬🇩🇧🇷

Welcome to Latinx in Power, a podcast aiming to help to demystify tech, the way we do that is by interviewing Latinx and Caribbean leaders all over the world to hear their perspective and insights.

We talked with Guilherme Abreu (he/him), a dynamic person who transitioned from a background in sales to becoming a software engineer. He is a Software Engineer working on innovative vending solutions. We’re excited to showcase how his diverse experiences have contributed to his success in the tech world.

In this episode, we learned more about Guilherme’s software engineering intern’s journey, touching on his path to software engineering, internship projects, lessons from setbacks, excitement about emerging tech trends, and actionable advice for aspiring engineers.

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How do you feel connected with Latin America? Do you consider yourself a Latino?

Certainly, without a doubt. I was born and raised in Brazil, spending nearly 14 years of my life there. I relocated approximately five years ago, and I’m currently 18 years old. So, I undeniably maintain strong ties to Brazil. At present, my connection might be somewhat less pronounced when it comes to politics and the state of the country. Nevertheless, I firmly identify as a Latino.

How is this experience for you like moving to another country?

It has undoubtedly been a life-changing experience. I transitioned from Salvador, Bahia in Brazil, a bustling metropolis with towering skyscrapers and a multitude of activities, to Grenada in the Caribbean, a significantly smaller city.

The entire population of the area in Brazil where I lived is roughly equivalent to the population of Grenada. So, it’s relatively smaller in comparison to where I previously resided. However, it’s been an incredible journey. Here, I can confidently say that life is simpler and safer, and I have a deep appreciation for speaking English, alongside my love for Portuguese. This experience has been truly remarkable, and I cherish it.

Can you give us an overview of your career, your background, and how you got into software engineering? How was your process?

I was first introduced to the field of information technology during my secondary school years, although I didn’t initially focus on it. It was my close friend, who is now my business partner, who introduced me to the idea of pursuing a career in information technology and software engineering. After graduating from high school, I enrolled in a two-year program in information technology at college, where I gained knowledge in networking, programming fundamentals, and hardware-related tasks.

Following the completion of my two-year program, I secured an internship at Vending Solutions, where I began working extensively in software development and software engineering. I put in a significant amount of effort, and I believe I did a commendable job, which led to them offering me a permanent position. That’s where I am employed today.

In addition to my job, I co-own a company with my friend, and we specialize in software development, serving both local and international clients. Our services include web development and creating custom software solutions for anyone seeking our expertise.

Can you tell us your experience being an intern?

Indeed, it’s incredibly exciting. Transitioning from studying and learning theoretical concepts to applying them in real-life programs is a thrilling journey. It turned out to be quite different from my initial expectations. When I was placed in the internship, I wasn’t fully prepared for what awaited me. It came as a bit of a shock because in school, I had mostly worked with small software projects that I built from scratch. However, in the internship, I found myself dealing with large-scale business software, consisting of thousands of files, and I felt like I knew nothing about it. It took me about a week just to familiarize myself with the files and what I was looking at.

One thing that’s prevalent in software development and engineering is the need for continuous research. You often find yourself in situations where you have to figure things out on your own because you won’t know everything right from the start. So, you research, and then you research some more, and eventually, you figure it out.

The transition from school to an internship is indeed quite different, but I wholeheartedly recommend giving it a try, even if you don’t get it on your first attempt. Just the experience itself is immensely valuable for your career.

I consider myself fortunate to have had a mentor during my internship who is now my boss. He provided invaluable guidance and support. He’s highly experienced and wanted to see how well I could perform under the pressure of not knowing everything but still having tight deadlines to meet. There were moments when I felt insecure, especially in such a new and challenging environment. However, I embraced the challenge and adopted a mindset that always told me that for every problem, there’s a solution; I just needed to find it. Never giving up proved to be crucial.

Do you have any story that you want to share with us that taught you any valuable lessons that you want to share with us?

Absolutely, making mistakes as an intern is entirely normal and nothing to be afraid of or discouraged by. Mistakes are opportunities for learning and growth. I vividly remember a particular incident towards the end of my internship. I was tasked with updating the software, specifically implementing the changes I had made into the live software environment where it was hosted. As an intern, I was given limited information, and I felt confident in the changes I had made. However, in my eagerness to complete the task, I forgot to back up the existing software.

When I excitedly informed my mentor that I had updated the software, he asked me a crucial question: “Did you back up the previous version?” It was a moment of realization, and I admitted I hadn’t. He then emphasized one of the most important rules in software development — always back up what you have before making changes. As expected, I encountered issues; some of the code broke.

For the next two to three days, I delved deep into high-level software engineering concepts, attempting to rectify the situation. Eventually, I succeeded in fixing it, but the lesson was etched in my memory.

In the tech world, everything evolves rapidly. New tools and features are constantly being developed, especially in web development. While tools like WordPress are widely used for their user-friendly interface, I personally prefer coding with frameworks for their scalability and customization. My passion lies in backend development, although I have some knowledge of frontend development as well. I find satisfaction in the challenges of the backend, crafting efficient functions and solutions.

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a central role. Automation is on the rise, and cloud technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world of software development. It’s an exciting field to be in, and cloud technology is a promising path for those looking to enter the software industry.

What advice would you give for someone who wants to get into software engineering or even tech in general, which advice would you give?

The advice I would like to offer is centered around a few key principles. First and foremost, maintain a strong focus on your goals. Passion and dedication to your chosen path are essential. Secondly, never give up, even when faced with challenges that may seem insurmountable. Challenges are a part of the journey, but if you persist and keep pushing forward, you’ll find solutions. Remember, if things don’t work out, it’s not the end; there’s always more to learn and discover.

Lastly, in today’s digital age, information is readily available on the internet. Use this to your advantage. Study and research diligently, and you’ll find that the resources you need are just a search away. It’s a promising path, and with focus, determination, and the wealth of information available online, you can achieve success in your chosen field.

For instance, with ChatGPT and stuff like that you can find a lot of answers, what are your thoughts about it?

Indeed, ChatGPT and other AI bots like Google Bard have significantly simplified and enhanced the research process. I’ve personally been using ChatGPT since around 2018, and it’s remarkable how it offers a wealth of resources and saves substantial time.

Additionally, platforms like Stack Overflow and various smaller forums play a crucial role by providing insights and solutions shared by the community. These resources allow you to benefit from the experiences and expertise of others in the field.

Overall, the advent of AI bots like ChatGPT has undoubtedly made our lives easier when it comes to conducting research and finding solutions to various challenges. They are valuable tools in our ever-evolving digital landscape.

Is there any resource that you want to talk about and recommend to other folks?

For those currently in school or considering a career in software engineering, it’s crucial to delve into real-life problems and situations. While formal education provides a strong foundation in concepts, the transition from college to the workplace or internship can reveal significant differences in how you approach and solve real-world issues.

Getting accustomed to real-life situations is essential for practical application of your knowledge. Each software project may require different tools and approaches, depending on its specific context and requirements. Therefore, it’s beneficial to conduct in-depth research and gain familiarity with various tools and methodologies. This proactive approach not only enhances your confidence but also helps you adapt effectively to the challenges of the field.

Your advice highlights the importance of a well-rounded education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience, ultimately preparing individuals for success in the dynamic and ever-evolving field of software engineering.

Where can people find you?

My company specializes in software web development and custom software solutions. Currently, we are actively engaged in several projects. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our email address is, and you are welcome to reach out to us at any time. We guarantee a prompt response for those seeking fast and efficient software and website development services. So, feel free to get in touch with us via email. We pride ourselves on our quick response time, available around the clock.

I hope you enjoyed the podcast. We will have more interviews with amazing Latinx leaders the first Tuesday of every month. Check out our website Latinx In Power to hear more. Don’t forget to share comments and feedback, always with kindness. See you soon.

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Additional Reading Mentioned in the Interview

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Thaisa Fernandes
Latinx In Power

Program Management & Product Management | Podcast Host | Co-Author | PSPO, PMP, PSM Certified 🌈🌱