Why subscribe to Latterly

Ben Wolford
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3 min readMar 6, 2017

I’ll share some of our latest articles at the bottom of this email, but first I want to announce that the launch issue of our new quarterly magazine will be shipping in April. And I’d love for all of you to subscribe!

So I’m going to sweeten the deal. Use the code 12off to get a 12 percent discount on print subscriptions and memberships (excludes digital subscriptions). That discount expires Friday, so make sure you get your order in today so you don’t forget.

Click here to redeem your coupon.

If saving money isn’t a good enough reason to join, I’ve put together a few other reasons why I think you should subscribe to Latterly.

  1. We publish some of the best journalists. I’m talking about J. Malcolm Garcia, Sean Williams, Shilpa Jindia, Justin Salhani, Laura Kasinof and the rising star Ashley Okwuosa.
  2. I want to be able to pay these people more (or pay them at all). And as a small, self-funded startup, that means winning your support.
  3. We regularly shine the light on big issues that often go unnoticed, and we help explain confusing and boring, yet vastly important, events. I’m talking about work like Cameron Hood’s exploration of Russia’s refugee policies and Richie Koch’s breakdown of what’s happening in Venezuela.
  4. We also sometimes break big stories. In fact, we were the first (out of everybody—like, we scooped The New York Times) to report that Trump was going to issue a Muslim ban.
  5. The print magazine is getting great reviews. The picture above is from magCulture, which is perhaps the definitive retailer of independent magazines. Among their January batch of new mags, they decided to feature our “2016 Anthology” front and center.
  6. The spring issue will be even better. We’re commissioning a custom illustration for the cover, and all but one or two of the stories inside have never been published before. You’ll get reporting on Russian propaganda, Nigerian culture, Myanmar persecution, the American resistance and more.
  7. And finally, you should subscribe because our mission is more important than ever. As collective insanity grips the political sphere, pockets of humanity are working to preserve human rights, internationalism and equal justice. If these values matter to you, then Latterly is a place where you can find stories and a community to help you be a better global citizen.

Every startup starts with nothing but an idea. It becomes something more when enough people decide, “I’m in.” Are you with me?

Either way, you’re all still welcome to enjoy this newsletter. It’s free. Here are the stories we’ve been following the past week:

Thanks, everybody. Hope to send you a magazine next month!


