Game Update #3

Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2022

Dear Baristas,

Welcome to the Game update #3. We continued to make good progress on game development in July — August. Read on for more details

Development Progress:

The development team has made good progress over the past few months with the following accomplishments:

  • The alpha version of battle mechanics coding is now completed
  • The shop mechanics (ability for players to acquire new cards) is completed
  • Basic bot implementation is completed for single-player test mode
  • Work in progress for special ability of the characters card and hero cards

As we come close to finishing the core features, we will continue to refine the game mechanics as well as other complementary features to help improve the playability and attractiveness of the game:

  • Refinement / bug fixing on battle mechanics
  • Continue implementing specific cards mechanics
  • Bots improvements
  • Implement server multiplayer support
  • In-game menus and settings
  • Security checks

The work on implementing the blockchain components should be able to start some time in October.

In-game assets

We are in the process of populating our in-game assets such as character cards, hero cards, and all the visual and sound effects and in-game musics.

We have shared some preliminary artworks for the game in the previous update. To keep with the fun and light temperament of the crypto industry, a lot of our characters are designed to be caricatures of popular superheroes and villains, with a hint of “Latte” in them :)

Here are some more sneak peek character artworks:

Here is also a working version of the battle board

The goal over the next few months will be to populate and refine these assets. The team has put a lot of thought into creating these characters, and we cannot wait to show you all of the characters we have developed!


We continue to research and benchmark the tokenomics of successful projects in GameFi and other sectors such as DeFi. The goal is to pick out the best features of various models, and build upon them to create the best outcome for the game. We will share more details at an appropriate time.

Please note that the tokenomics design for the game will take into account the early supporters of LatteSwap protocol as well as holders of the OG NFTs. A portion of our new tokens will be allocated specifically to current LATTE and OG NFT holders. The specific allocation and the details will be shared along with the next update.

