Domestic Violence During Covid-19

meena shahin
LAU- WORKSHOP:  Media Activism
2 min readDec 15, 2020

Meena, Evita, Lina and Liyan

Link to Map:

The Collaborative Group Process

Domestic violence is the purpose to gain power and control over a spouse or an intimate family member. This abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, or any type of threats of actions that influence another human being.

As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, many families are in lockdown and took resort to “stay at home” orders. Sadly, this lead to a surge in domestic abuse around the world, especially in the MENA region, reversing the meaning of “safer at home” for many. It is now known as the “Shadow Pandemic.”

We chose to create a map that locates some stories/articles of women in the Middle East, that are victims of domestic abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As for the process of splitting the work; we all met to discuss our topic of choice, shared ideas and conversed a few articles we each found and read in an online Zoom meeting.
Afterwards, Meena and Liyan gathered the final articles and other resources to be inserted in the map.
The mapping process was created and designed by Evita and Lina, from pinning the locations, highlighting countries, adding pictures and a small explanation before each link.
As for the collaborative paper, it was written by Meena and the references were done by Liyan.


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