Nashif, N. and Fatafta, M. (23 October 23). Surveillance of Palestinians and the Fight for Digital Rights. Al-Shabaka.

  • The targets of Israeli’s Digital Surveillance are Palestinians.
  • New technologies = new methods of surveillance such as monitoring of phones,internet monitoring, CCTV and biometric data collection.

Advanced technology has led to more advanced surveillance.

  • Tools of surveillance: population registries, identification cards, land surveys, watchtowers and etc.…
  • “Algorithms”: tool used by Israel to form reports on Facebook accounts that they think pose a threat to their security.
  • “Incitement to violence”: A “suspicious” Palestinian profile that forms an instant threat to another person.
  • “Inciteful content”: provocative material.

A deal between Israel and Facebook has been made to inspect and eliminate “inciteful content”.

  • “Popularity”: the impact an individual has.

The chances are higher of incrimination based on how popular the Palestinian is (Ex: number of likes, comments, etc.…)

  • Fake Facebook Accounts: Used by the Israeli intelligence in order to talk to Palestinians and get private information, and make Palestinians side with Israel.
  • “Globally protected group”: a group of people protected by the law.
  • “Israel’s Digital Surveillance”: consider all Palestinians targets.


  • “Palestinians Authorities violations of freedom of expression online”: utilizes public data to target political dispute.
  • Increase in monitoring of Palestinian social media accounts: Used as a method to protect the Israeli government to prevent attacks being carried out against them that are a result of social media.

