YouTube, Critical Pedagogy, and Media Activism:

Evita Chaghoury
LAU- WORKSHOP:  Media Activism
2 min readNov 13, 2020

. Critical pedagogy helps to simplify individual development and social transformation for a society. Posing reality as a problem according to (Freire, 1970).

Education is a life long way to equip individuals as it is a needed tool for social transformation.

In addition, as Dewey and Freire note, it can also be a democratizing force and promote cultural revolution and social transformation.

. Education in a capitalist society is schooling into being indoctrinated into an institution as it is a sympathetic of voucher for politico economic success or, at least, subsistence.

. Interconnection of power and knowledge. As well as by making school a crucial field for social, political, and ideological reproduction.

School is a monopoly to differentiate ideological knowledge in forms of ideological domination (Foucault, 1980).

. Monopoly of knowledge and the institutionalization of education can now be challenged by new media technologies (decentralized and interactive communication). In particular, dialogical two-way communication and collective ‘‘many-to-many’’ communication have been widely implemented with the emergence of the Internet and social networking sites.

. Analyzing these techniques within the political climate, for a more accurate understanding about its sociopolitical potential as well as its limitations (Kellner, 1995).

. Limitations that must be confronted concerning the political economy of the media and political system, can be part of social domination.

. Critical media pedagogy can provide the oppressed counter power through solidarity (Kellner 1995)

. The important role of narrative in pedagogy, suggests a ‘‘discourse of plurality, difference” in order to justify both the mechanics of domination or the dynamic of emancipation’’ (Giroux 1992). These alternative media sources need to be studied and used within a counter-hegemonic framework.

. Self-education and social transformation/ critical pedagogy implies multi-narrative.

. Public pedagogy represents a moral and political practice of critical new media pedagogy according to Giroux (2001).

. This study provides to develop a critical and transformative of new media technologies, as it studies different methods of critical pedagogy and democratic social transformation that emphasizes both its potential contributions and limitations.

Douglas Kellner & Gooyong Kim (2010) YouTube, Critical Pedagogy, and Media Activism, The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 32:1, 3–36, DOI: 10.1080/10714410903482658

