Victor Bhaura
Laughing Buddha
Published in
4 min readMay 27, 2024


She was dazzled and was thinking, whatever he said was absolutely right.Her purpose in life was to learn, and, after two years of wanderingthroughout the world, she had learned to find a true teacher. She knew, shewas there with the sole purpose of learning. Her inner voice told her that he was the perfect person, from whom she could learn. But she knew, the next morning he was going to leave. Her inner voice also told her about the knowledge, which she could gain from him. The knowledge with a different point of view regarding, every information that, she had garnered throughout her life. She was thinking, whether she would be able to convince him or not.

The person about whom, she had no respect at all. The same person had gained respect, in her mind within the time period of four hours.

“Hello!” “Are you there or lost somewhere?” asked Noah, breaking the momentum of her thoughts.

“Do you carry a watch?” she asked

“No, I don’t need it because, I have ample amount of time.” said Noah, and both started laughing.

She wanted him to be with her, at any cost. Being a girl, she knew each and every tactic, to handle a man. She tried her first tactic ,which was of “reasoning”.

“I found you, staring at me all the time.” “Why so?” she asked

“I’ll tell you, when the time is ripe.” he replied

She wanted to ask him, whether she could accompany him in his journey or not. But the fear of hearing ‘No’, was prohibiting her to ask. After finding the first tactic to be unsuccessful, she tried her second tactic,which was associated with “necessity”.

“Noah, you don’t have enough means to survive in Himalayas.” “I would not mind, in travelling together, till you get a place to survive.” she said

She was sure that it’ll work , as she had enough food for both of them.

“Thanks a lot!” “I know how to manage” he replied

Both of them didn’t realize: the night had already passed. The rays of Sun,showed the beauty of the place. Lush green vegetation, was accompanied by a baby waterfall. Behind the waterfall, but far away, was a huge peak covered with snow.

“I never saw such a beautiful view.” she uttered

“It’s really beautiful.” he replied back

Both of her tactics had failed. Now, she tried her third tactic, which was “seduction”.

“Do you want to take bath?” she asked him.

“No” he replied

She went near the waterfall, removed her attire and dived into the plunge pool. Her wet body was covered by her undergarments. While splashing water on her shoulders, she looked at him. As if, was inciting him to join.He felt shy, but he knew, that he never saw such a beauty. Her hair falling on her mounds, along with, her thin cotton undies being tightened by water. He noticed erection in his lower portion.

“Come and take bath.” “Let’s see what’s behind the face, which is full of dirt.” she said, while caressing her hair.

“I am fine.” replied Noah

“Please, pass on a cloth to wipe” she said

“I don’t have.” he replied

“In my bag” she said, while pointing at her bag.

He pulled out a piece of cloth from the bag and went towards her. While handing over the cloth, his hand touched her belly. Though it was unintentional, but he noticed, a sensation in his whole body. This sensation, took the shape of desire. In order to control it, he left the place for a walk.

He observed that, his rules, regulations, gentleness, and even his identity faded away within seconds. While promenading through the woods, the gentle being inside him, was seen being overshadowed by a pervert one.Suddenly, he realized, the state of instability of his mind. Stopped walking, sat down cross legged, in a meditative posture and closed his eyes.

“What was that inside me?” he said to himself.

“You have not come for all this.” his mind told him.

He stabilized himself, through a lot of questions and answers. After meditating for two hours, went again towards the distraction. When he came back, saw her in an unstable state.

“Where were you?” asked Agatha, with wrinkles on her forehead.

“Went for a walk.” he replied

“You should have told me.” she said

He kept silent, because earlier there was nobody in his life to ask such a question. Expressions of fear and anger were clearly visible on her face.She gave him eight almonds to eat. He gobbled up them all, at once. He knew those almonds were his breakfast.

After having breakfast, he felt sleepy, so he told her that he want to sleep.She told him, she is not feeling sleepy and she won’t mind if he sleeps.She offered her blanket to him. In the languor of sleep, he closed his eyes.



Victor Bhaura
Laughing Buddha

I’m Victor, a Writer! — Just a simple person trying to share my ideas with you. I love travelling and writing books. Follow me if you enjoy my articles.