Victor Bhaura
Laughing Buddha
Published in
8 min readMay 27, 2024


At last after sixteen days, he had returned back to his home.

“Agatha!” he shouted while entering into the cave.

To hear her voice, his ears had awaited for a long period of time. The placewhich earlier used to be full of love, now looked like a haunted place. Crickets were chirping, Owl was hooting. But, he was searching her.

“Agatha!” he shouted again.

He went outside the cave, but she was even not there. A thought arose in his mind: may be she had gone to accomplish her goal. He looked at the tree, went behind it, with the expectation of meeting the black figure again. The black figure was his last hope, which could help him. But, he found no one there.

Being disappointed, he came back inside the cave and sat on the rock.Took a deep breath and started looking here and there. Thunder, followed by lightning took the whole cave into its arms. With the flash of lightning,his eyes saw something lying behind the rectangular rock. He instantly rushed towards the rock. She was there on the ground, but was unconscious.

Noah called her name many times. But, his ears were not able to get reply from her side. His heart which was earlier breathing slow, now gained its frequency. He started thinking, what could be the reason of Agatha’sfaintness. He noticed her whole body had turned blue. The whisper of the black figure started flashing in his mind.

“You have only twelve days left to save your love. If you want to save her,then go and find the lights up in the mountains. The lights give birth to the petals of life. But, keep one thing in your mind, these petals does not work for the dead”

He instantly untied the petals. Opened her mouth and placed them in it.But they did not work. He acted upon each and every suggestion, given to him by his mind. He sprinkled water on her face. He knew that, the poison had already reached, in each and every part of her body. His mind started thinking, he had a lot of time, but he wasted it. He was suffering from guilt.

Everything inside him got locked up, and, he went into a numb state. For the first time, he realised the pain of losing. Everything, about which, he dreamt had been broken like a mirror. A mirror which could not be fixed again. The mirror through which, he used to see himself was lying in front of his eyes. She was forever lost in his heart, his heart in turn was lostforever, with the loss of her life.

The last light of his life had been extinguished. The bird which used to live inside his heart flew away, leaving the cage empty. His whole body became pale. For the first time, he felt a craving in his mind, which his physical body could not give. This craving was Agatha. This craving was so intense that, it wanted to enter into her body and in turn become her soul. He laughed, touched her, smelled her, saw her. His perception wanted her to perceive back. But he found, her perception being absent in the way as she was absent.

He was on the verge of madness. All of a sudden, someone whispered in his ears.

“Accept and absorb it. It is the law of nature.” Whispered the black figure

“Accept what?” Noah’s eyes asked the black figure.

“Pain!” whispered the figure.

“Do not provide hindrance to the pain, let it cover you. Pain is the storehouse of understanding and learning. You’ll learn from it.” Whispered the figure

He wanted the black figure to reveal its identity. But, it suddenly vanished away from his sight. Disappointed Noah, sat close to Agatha’s dead body, kissed her forehead and closed her opened eyes with his hand. He knew the way of acceptance, was itself in absorbing the pain. He wanted to utilize even the minute particle of this pain. He closed his eyes and went into a deep meditation along with his silence. Her body was in his lap. Day and night, rain and storm, were experienced through his closed eyes. Many days had passed and he was still in deep meditation.

With the passage of time, in a stormy night, his mind started recognising the vibrations which were going on throughout his body. He came to know that human beings are composed of vibrations. These vibrations were spiralling throughout his body. He felt a beam of red light covering his mind. After sometime, this beam of red light settled itself at the base of his spine, and started vibrating at its full intensity.

After some days, an orange beam of light did the same and it settled itself at his lower abdomen. With the entry of this beam in his body, a feeling of connection and ability of acceptance was generated inside his mind. Some days later, a beam of yellow light settled itself in his stomach area. With the entry of this beam, he felt self confidence and self esteem inside his mind.

Many days passed on and nothing happened after that. But, his mind was patient to know how far it can go. After some days, another beam of green light settled itself in his chest area. A feeling of love and compassion was generated in him through this beam. Within three days, another beam of blue light began spiralling in his throat, and it settled itself there. He wanted to stop his meditation in order to know about these beams. But he was afraid of losing, what he was being given. After some days, a beam of Indigo colour started spiralling between his eyebrows and it settled itself there. With the entry of this colour, ability to focus and expansion was experienced by his mind.

His body had turned weak and his soul was on the verge of leaving his physical body. But, he was experiencing and learning a lot through this new gift. The body of Agatha had turned into skeleton. His mind was noticing the cluster of bones on his lap.

After some days, the last beam of light entered into his body and after spiralling for some hours, settled at the top of his head. It was purplish white beam, which gave him the ability to be fully connected spiritually.He felt that, he had travelled in other dimensions. His past was replaced by his present. A feeling of satisfaction was generated inside him. The lights merged with one another. He understood what was up in the mountains. Those lights were the ultimate consciousness, which worked only if, all the seven lights were in one line. He understood that, vibration is the source of every energy in this universe, and even the source of a soul. He realised, someone else was behind his perception. He was in this world, with the sole purpose of completing someone else’s task. Before knowing who it was, he went into the state of ‘Samadhi’, which is the state of stillness of mind. After some days, he felt freedom from everything, he slowly opened his eyes and saw red coloured flowers blossoming everywhere around him. He knew, he had been enlightened and got liberation. He saw the skeleton of Agatha in his lap, he touched the skull of Agatha and said:

“I promise you Agatha that, whatever I got. You’ll get it too.” he said to himself.

As he said those words, someone whispered in his ears:

“You made a mistake. You’ll suffer because of this mistake. You have to rectify your mistake before getting liberation.” Whispered the black figure.


This was the last page of the diary. Publisher’s eyes are full of tears. Someone is standing outside the door and knocking.

“Grandfather, are you there?” knocking the door

That’s his grand-daughter. A cute angel who is in her late twenties.

“Why are you crying?” said the grand-daughter

She removed his glasses, wiped his glasses with her handkerchief, while sitting next to him. But the answer was complex to her simple question. His throat allowed him to say, “Nothing!”. The Publisher wanted to be alone. He lifted himself out of the sofa, with the help of his stick and went towards his bedroom. She is still sitting on the sofa. He closed the door of his bedroom, locked it, placed the diary on the table and placed the bag next to the diary. After switching the lights off, he is lying in his bed right now. There are some unusual things going on in his mind. So, he switchedthe side lamp on. He picked up the bag from the table and is dialling the number of Jeff. After three-four rings, Jeff picked up the phone.

“Hello!” said the Publisher with a distorted voice.

“Hello!” replied Jeff

“I read the whole diary and I want to meet you.” said the Publisher

Jeff looked at the wall clock. Hour’s hand is at twelve, while the minute’s hand is at four.

Jeff paused for a minute and said:

“Ok!” “I am coming.”

Both put their telephone receivers on their original positions.

As the Publisher went towards his drawing room and was sitting on the sofa.

“Door bell rang”

He told his grand-daughter to go into her room and sleep. She went to her bedroom. He picked up his stick, stood up and started limping towards the main door of the house.

The Publisher opened the door and found Jeff, waiting outside.

“Come in” said the publisher, while walking towards the drawing room.

He closed the door of the room. Both sat on the sofa. Jeff, looked around and saw a lot of pictures hung on the wall, which he is recognising.

“What would you like to have?” asked the Publisher, while lighting up his cigar.

“Nothing, Sir” Jeff replied, looking at the cigar.

Cigar is having golden rings around its top. It seems to be a Cuban cigar.

“I am intrigued to know, what happened after the last chapter.” Publisher said, while puffing hard at his cigar.

“Even, I am intrigued to know about you, Sir.” replied Jeff

“You already know about me.” said the Publisher

“I want to know the part, which is not in the diary.” replied Jeff

“I’ll certainly tell you.” “But I want to know about you and how you got this diary?” Publisher said

“It’s a long story and it’ll take time.” said Jeff

“Don’t worry, I have plenty of time.” replied the Publisher

Jeff started recognising the words, just said by the Publisher. Even, he read the diary and these words were used in it twice. Jeff started narrating his story.

“Wait for a moment.” Publisher said

Publisher slowly lifted himself out of the sofa. He opened the door, went towards his grand-daughter’s room and after that, towards his son’s room. Both were asleep. He came back to the drawing room and sat again next to Jeff.

“I am ready.” said the Publisher

Jeff started narrating his story. The Publisher lighted up another cigar and started listening to Jeff with full curiosity.



Victor Bhaura
Laughing Buddha

I’m Victor, a Writer! — Just a simple person trying to share my ideas with you. I love travelling and writing books. Follow me if you enjoy my articles.