My New Blog Features Nothing But Side-Boob Pictures

And a joke at the end…

JL Matthews
Laughing Stock
Published in
Oct 22, 2020


Do I have your attention? Good. Now, I don’t want to lose it, so here’s some more side-boob:

Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

In an attempt to d̵r̵i̵v̵e̵ ̵t̵r̵a̵f̵f̵i̵c̵ ̵t̵o̵ ̵m̵y̵ ̵b̵l̵o̵g̵ become more relational with my readership, I’ve decided to feature copious amounts of g̵r̵a̵t̵u̵i̵t̵o̵u̵s̵ ̵f̵e̵m̵a̵l̵e̵ ̵n̵u̵d̵i̵t̵y̵ ̵ tasteful explorations of the feminine form.

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

To keep things classy — like Maxim circa 2002 — all nipples, hiney holes, and bajingos will be strategically covered.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Please feel free to bookmark this page and return to it whenever the mood strikes (wink-wink, nudge-nudge).

Lastly, a very special thank you to an old law school friend of mine who first suggested this idea— a certain Mr. Jeffrey T of New York. This sort of post is right up your alley, you old horndog!

Back in law school, we used to call him ‘de minimis’, because, well, you can look it up.

Anyway, rest easy Jeffrey, I won’t reveal your surname. I wouldn’t want to cause you any embarrassment.

