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Who Needs 100 Followers?

Apparently, we all do. So read this.

JL Matthews
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2021


I’m going to do something radical. Something rebellious. Something so revolutionary, it will come as a shock to many around here.

I — a Top 1,000 Writer — am going to help other writers on this site. And I’m not even going to try to sell anything in the process.

If you’re unaware, Meaty-um (just say it out loud) announced some changes to their Partner Program.

Starting in 2022, writers will need 100 followers to remain in the MPP.

One hundred followers may seem like a low bar to clear if you’re a writer with hundreds or thousands of followers.

But I can assure you, for some writers, it’s not that easy.

And that’s a shame — because this site has some great features, particularly for new writers.

Two of those features drew me here over a year ago:

1) The ability to self-publish — without delay — whatever I wanted. After spending months submitting short fiction to websites that…

