Jammy on why comedy is important.

Humour is good in any situation …well mostly

Jamie Jones
4 min readMay 2, 2014

Hello boys and girls I hope your all doing well and plodding on with life. Sorry it has been more than a week but hey don’t wan’t to bore you with burdens of my life, know one likes that guy ha.

Any way as you can tell by the title today I will be talking about ‘Comedy’ and why it is good for you, how it can help in certain situations, and how it can change your mood and just how fun it is. Laughing is fun.

Using comedy to make you feel better even if its only temporary. Ok so first of all a lot of people should do this if there feeling down about something, or you have negative things on your mind, or just feeling shitty really. There are many ways to do this for example watch a TV show or film that makes you laugh, spend time with someone that makes you laugh, watch comedy videos on youtube, read funny articles or just use your imagination. If I am feeling down about something I tend to watch things that I know make me laugh and it works it really does. Because know one likes that guy or girl that posts attention seeking depressing shit on facebook or twitter! Watch something funny on youtube and post that instead or a funny quote from what you are watching. People will appreciate that a lot more yeah.

Using comedy in any situation good or bad. Right so there are all sorts of situations and scenarios that comedy can redeem a situation, be used just for general laughter, used in awkward situations etc all sorts of things comedy is very useful in. Ok first of all I appreciate that not every one is funny or has the confidence to at least try to be, but this blog is just a general look at how useful comedy is, of course it can be very funny but also useful as well if you use it right.

Ok so imagine your with friends and supposed to be a weekend gathering drinks, friends, laughter etc but people start bickering and your just sat there thinking ‘Oh my god! It’s Saturday and I am sat here listening to people arguing over pathetic non important shit!’ I am sure you have all been in this situation me personally would just say something completely random and outrageous that it gets there attention, also I just tell them straight exactly what I think about there petty argument ‘ Listen you busty mood killing freaks! I didn’t come here to hear a round of who forgot to flush the tampon down the toilet! I came here to drink bacardi, listen to music, possibly get get some kinky action of one of you and have my head in the toilet later! Preferably with out a tampon in it!’ or just ask a random question (friends are girls by the way, just to clarify)’Would either of you let a shemale bang you?’ or ‘ Can I lick your face’ you know the usual. this technique if you would call it a technique can be used any were and with strangers too.

A lot of people use comedy when they are around someone they have a crush on or want a piece of. Now yet again some people are just naturally comedic or funny so they are just being them self’s but if you know how to be funny then this is when people think a joke or something funny is the ice braker or will get some ones attention. For example I was in the culcheth arms the other night and a girl I have seen around the village a lot came to the bar she was talkative and friendly but when ever I had saw here previously she had a leather jacket I mentioned that jacket and did the actions of someone putting on a jacket, which ended up looking like a masturbating gesture, she found it dead funny as she thought I did it on purpose but I didn’t but I went along with it.

I am like this most of the time it’s just my personality, I know that was accidental but I hear the funny things in everyday conversations and situations it’s just the way I am. But if you can try it out it does work.

Ok well I could say more but I think I have said enough, you get the drift. I think I will make a video based on this may be easier. Well I just want to say I love comedy intentional or unintentional or just something that is simply funny I love it.

Ok thank you for reading this if you have that is. Now you can go out and enjoy the sun and life or what ever.






Jamie Jones

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.