Exciting news about LaunchKit

Brenden Mulligan
LaunchKit Library
2 min readJul 27, 2016


It was less than two years ago when our team decided that after releasing a dozen apps on the App Store and Google Play, we wanted to make that process easier for other mobile developers as well. We started by writing blog posts and open sourcing our internal tools, but we wanted to add even more value by building a suite of products that actually made launching apps easier. LaunchKit was born and now helps almost 50,000 developers build, launch, and monitor their apps.

Today, we’re excited to announce that the LaunchKit team is joining Google! We’ll be joining their Developer Products Group, which is committed to building amazing developer tools, and we’ll be taking everything we’ve learned building LaunchKit and continue our mission at an even larger scale.

As we focus our efforts on building great developer tools at Google, we also want to make everything we’ve built at LaunchKit even more accessible. As of today, we’ve open sourced our services so anyone can set up their own instance of our tools! As for the official LaunchKit service, it will continue to operate independently for existing users for the next 12 months, then it will be discontinued.

We want to personally thank the amazing community of mobile developers who have inspired us since day one. We’ve been so proud to build tools you’ve loved, and can’t wait to show you more of what we’ll be working on at Google.

Keep building amazing apps,

Brenden & Taylor, LaunchKit Co-Founders

We’d like to thank all our incredible investors: Steve Anderson at Baseline, Josh Felser and Dave Samuel at Freestyle, Rob Hayes at First Round, Brian Pokorny at SV Angel, Kent Goldman (now at Upside), M.G. Siegler at Google Ventures, Shervin Pishevar at Sherpa, and our angel investors.



Brenden Mulligan
LaunchKit Library

Builder. Head of Product for @JoinCommonstock . Helping podcasters with @PodpageHQ . Past: @Google (@LaunchKit acq), @Cluster , @FrontlineFoods .