New Book: Demystifying Rails

Chris Lee
Launch School
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2017

We are pleased to announce our latest book to our Open Bookshelf: Demystifying Rails.

This book has been under development for about a year, and is geared towards experienced web developers who want to not just use Rails, but understand how its conventions are pieced together. As the title might suggest, this book is not a tutorial geared toward beginners, but a deconstruction of Rails conventions from first principles for experienced developers or those who have mastery of web development fundamentals. This book supplements the 301 course at Launch School.

This book is open and free for everyone, but solid knowledge of Ruby, HTTP, and SQL are pre-requisites. If your fundamentals aren’t there yet, you may want to check out our (free) books on those topics first:

Chris Lee is an instructor at Launch School, an online school for developers. He enjoys playing basketball, coding, and talking about Mastery Based Learning.

