Objects, Context and Closures

Peter Reznick
Launch School
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2017

This is the second in a series of posts on JavaScript, and is based on notes I put together on that focus in greater depth on objects, function execution context, and closures. This post was originally published here.

These notes draw upon Launch School’s course materials, MDN’s documentation, this article on function execution, and this great article on the this keyword.


The Global Object

The global object is created when the JS environment starts, and serves as the language’s implicit context, that is, the context used when no explicit context is provided. In practical terms, this means that an undeclared variable assignment effectively creates a property on the global object:

foo = 1;
// equivalent to
window.foo = 1;

Similarly, when reference is made to a non-local variable, JS uses the global object as context:

foo; // 1
// same as
window.foo; // 1

Although implicitly and explicitly global variables (the latter being those declared with the var keyword in lexically global space) are both properties of the global object, only implicitly global variables can be deleted:

a = 5;
var b = 6;

delete a; // true
delete b; // false

a; // reference error
b; // 6

Object Mutability

In contrast to primitive types, most JS objects are mutable, meaning that they can be modified in place.

Objects passed to functions can be modified by those functions, and those changes will be reflected everywhere else the Object is referenced. This happens because modifying a primitive necessarily entails reassignment, and reassignment of an argument in function scope will break the reference to the original value. Objects, on the other hand, can have their properties reassigned in function scope without the owner object being reassigned, and thus can be modified by functions.

Scope vs. Context in Function Execution

A function’s execution happens in two stages: in the first, all of the variables (inner function scope, parameters/arguments, and global) and functions in the scope are declared (this is accountable for the JS phenomenon of “hoisting”) and the value of this determined, and in the second, the code is executed line by line, and values assigned to the variables as this process proceeds. Read more about this process here.

Context is what is referenced by the keyword this, and is described in greater detail below. Context can be thought of as the object that "owns" the code that is currently being executed.

Scope can be either function or global (although ECMA6 has introduced block-scope as well with let) and refers to the areas of the code in which a given identifier (i.e., variable name) is available for reference.

Object Context and the this Keyword

In JavaScript, this is the current execution context of the function. Context is defined depending on the type of invocation: function, method, constructor, or indirect.

Function Invocation

In a function invocation (when an expression evaluating to a Function is followed by parens) this refers to the global object, or, in strict mode, undefined:

(function() {
})(); // Window {...}

Method Invocation

In a method invocation (when a function stored as a property in an object is invoked using the property accessor) this refers to the object that owns the method:

var obj = {
func: function() {

obj.func(); // Object {func: function}

Indirect Invocation

In indirect invocation (when a function is invoked using call or apply), this refers to the object passed in as the context argument.

var a = "I'm a global property!"

function func() {

var obj = {
a: "I'm obj's property!"

func(); // I'm a global property!
func.call(obj); // I'm obj's property!

Bound Functions

When a context is bound to a function with bind, then that function will always refer to the argument as context:

function func() {

obj = {
a: "Hello"

var boundFunc = func.bind(obj);

var a = "Goodbye";

boundFunc(); // Hello

Bind, Apply, Call

The Function methods bind, apply, and call are used to define a Function's context. apply and call define the context upon invocation, while bind defines the context permanently.


call allows us to invoke a function with explicit context, and can also optionally supply arguments to the function as comma separated elements:

function simpleFunc() {

var obj = {
a: "Hello"

simpleFunc.call(obj); // Hello

function complexFunc(arg) {
console.log(this.a + ', ' + arg + '!');

complexFunc.call(obj, "world"); // Hello, world!


apply is identical to call save that the optional function arguments are provided as a single array argument:

var obj = {
a: "Hello"

var arguments = ['my', 'friend'];

function complexFunc(arg1, arg2) {
console.log(this.a + ', ' + arg1 + ' ' + arg2 + '!');

complexFunc.apply(obj, arguments); // Hello, my friend!


bind is used to permanently tie a function to a context. Unlike call and apply, it doesn't invoke the function, but rather returns a new function with the desired context:

var greeting = "Hello from global scope!";

function func() {

var obj = {
greeting: "Hello from obj!"

var boundFunc = func.bind(obj);

boundFunc(); // Hello from obj!

NB: Once set with bind, context cannot be changed, even if the bound function is invoked with call or apply, or added to a different object as a property.


THe MDN Documentation describes closures as “the combination of a function and the lexical environment within which that function was declared.” In other words, when a function is created, it “closes over” its current scope, making all identifiers available to the function at creation available to it wherever it may be executed in code. This is illustrated by the following counter function:

function makeCounter() {
var index = 0;
return function counter() {
index += 1;

var c = makeCounter();

c(); // 1
c(); // 2
c(); // 3
c(); // 4
console.log(index) // ReferenceError

Even though c is executed in global scope (where index isn't visible, as demonstrated by the ReferenceError on the last line), it retains access to index through its closure, and is thus able to reference it.

This phenomenon can be used to create effectively private data; index isn't accessible outside of the function factory (makeCounter) that made it, but is still in use by the counter function.

