Object-Oriented JavaScript

Peter Reznick
Launch School
Published in
6 min readJun 16, 2017

This is the third in a series of posts on JavaScript, and covers factory functions, constructor functions, objects and prototypes, and object creation patterns. This post was originally published here.

These notes draw on Launch School’s course materials, MDN’s documentation, and this article by John Dugan on object creation patterns.

Factory Functions

Factory Functions, also know as the Factory Object Creation Pattern, can be used to create multiple objects according to a particular pattern:

function createDog(name, breed) {
var dog = {};
dog.name = name;
dog.breed = breed;
dog.description = function() {
return this.name + ' is a ' + breed;

return dog;

Two important downsides of using factory functions are:

  • Every new object created from the factory function has the same methods, which can be redundant.
  • There is no way to tell whether a factory-made object was created using a factory or not.

Constructor Functions

A constructor function is one that is intended to be used with the new keyword, and by convention is capitalized:

function Ship(name, tonnage) {
this.name = name;
this.tonnage = tonnage;
this.basicInfo = function() {
return this.name + ' carries ' + this.tonnage + ' tons.';

var container = new Ship("Colombo Express", 93750);

when invoked with the new keyword, the this keyword inside of the function is pointed to a new object, which is returned automatically after the constructor's code has been executed. The use of new is critical - if it is ommitted, this will follow the normal rules for determing this, typically (if the constructor is invoked as a function) resulting in the addition of the desired new object properties to the global object.

The steps undertaken by a constructor function invoked with new are:

  1. a new object is created,
  2. this inside the function is pointed to this new object,
  3. the code inside of the function is executed,
  4. the object is returned.

This new object’s prototype (see below) is an object with the constructor method set as its constructor property. Every object created with a given constructor function has the same prototype and constructor property.

NB: scope-safe constructors will return the desired object even if called without the new keyword. Most native JS constructors (e.g., Array) are scope-safe.

Objects and Prototypes

Every object has a __proto__ property that points to another object, referred to as the object's prototype. Object.prototype is the default for all JS objects:

var o = {};
o.__proto__ === Object.prototype;
// => true

The Object.create(prototype) method returns a new object whose prototype is the prototype argument.

var bar = {};

var foo = Object.create(bar);

foo.__proto__ === bar;
// => true

Although __proto__ can be used to get (and set) the prototype property on objects, these operations tend to be very slow, and assigning __proto__ to new values can be dangerous (see the warning at the top of this page). Therefore, it's better to use the methods Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) and object.isPrototypeOf(obj) for checking an object's prototype:

var bar = {};

var foo = Object.create(bar);

// foo.__proto__ === bar;

Object.getPrototypeOf(foo) === bar;
// => true

// => true

Prototypal Inheritance and Behavior Delegation

Although JS doesn’t have classes in the way they exist in classical languages like Ruby, Java or C++, it can nevertheless share state and behavior across different objects. By establishing prototype chains, which imply a hierarchical relationship, we can simulate class-based object creation:

var Game = {
title: '',
system: '',
description: function() {
console.log(this.title + ' is played on the ' + this.system);

var kingdomCome = Object.create(Game);

kingdomCome.title = "Kingdom Come: Deliverance";
kingdomCome.system = "PC";
// Kingdom Come: Deliverance is played on the PC

In the example above, the Game object stands in for a classical class, while the kingdomCome object stands in for an instance of class Game. The connection between the two comes from Object.create, which sets Game as kingdomCome's prototype. By setting the desired properties on kingdomCome directly, we simulate state particular to an instance, while kingdomCome's access via prototype to description simulates inherited behavior.

Own vs. Inherited Properties

In an environment featuring properties shared via prototype, we can’t be sure whether an object has access to a property by owning it (i.e., by having it explicitly declared on itself) or through its prototype. JS provides us with two methods, object.hasOwnProperty and Object.getOwnPropertyNames to resolve this confusion. Continuing our example above:

kingdomCome.hasOwnProperty('title'); // true
kingdomCome.hasOwnProperty('description'); // false
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(kingdomCome); // ["title", "system"]

The first method call returns true, since we explicitly declare title on kingdomCome, while the second returns false since description is accessed through the prototype. getOwnPropertyNames, meanwhile, returns an array containing string representations of every owned property name.

Constructors and Prototypes

Every function in JS has a prototype property that holds an object with a single property, constructor, which in turn points back to the function.

function Game() {
this.title = '';
this.system = '';
this.description = function() {
console.log(this.title + ' is played on the' + this.system);

Game.prototype.constructor === Game; // true

When this function is invoked as a constructor, (i.e., with the new keyword) the object that is returned has its own prototype set to the function's prototype property:

var g = new Game;

Game.prototype.isPrototypeOf(g); // true

This object (Game.prototype) is often referred to as the function's "prototype object" despite the fact that it is not the actual prototype of the function:

Game.__proto__ === Game.prototype; // false

The Prototype Pattern of Object Creation

This refers to defining behaviors on a constructor function’s prototype object, which will then be shared by all objects created by the constructor:

function Dog() {};
Dog.prototype.bark = function() {
console.log(this.name + ' says bark!');

var rex = new Dog;
rex.name = "Rex";

rex.bark(); // Rex says bark!

This pattern exploits the fact that inside of the constructor’s prototype object (Dog.prototype), this refers to the object calling the method. Thus, any object created by the constructor will access methods declared on this prototype object, but in these methods this will point to the object itself.

Pseudo-classical and OLOO patterns

These two patterns are best practices for object creation in JS, which concerns how to share or not share behavior and state across multiple objects. Read more about them and other patterns here.


In the pseudo-classical pattern, arguments are passed into the constructor function to define the new object’s state, but shared behavior is added to the constructor’s prototype object, so that it will be shared among all objects created by the constructor:

function Game(title, system) {
this.title = title;
this.system = system;

Game.prototype.description = function() {
console.log(this.title + ' is played on the ' + this.system);

var morrowind = new Game("Morrowind", "PC");

In this approach we use the constructor’s prototype object to share behavior because, unlike state, behavior doesn’t vary from object to object and as a result it would be wasteful to have copies of shared methods on each object individually.

Object Linking to Other Objects (OLOO)

OLOO dispenses with the class-based approach to object creation, and instead relies on Object.create and a single template object, capitalized by convention. An optional init function sets non-default state immediately after initialization:

var Game = {
title: '',
system: '',
description: function() {
console.log(this.title + ' is played on the ' + this.system);
init: function(title, system) {
this.title = title;
this.system = system;
return this;

var morrowind = Object.create(Game).init("Morrowind", "PC");

Since this pattern doesn’t use a constructor function, instanceof cannot be used to test for an inheritance. However, Object.isPrototypeOf can be used, since Object.create sets the template object as the new objects prototype:


More methods on Object


This method allows us to explicitly define the values on an object, and is notable for allowing us to also define those properties writeability:

var obj = {}
Object.defineProperties(obj, {
a: {
value: "Some val",
writeable: false

obj.a; // "Some val"
obj.a = "Another val";
obj.a; // "Some val"


This method prevents the argument object from having properties added, removed, or modified. It also prevents the properties enumerability, writability or configurability from being altered.

Frozen maintains property references to values, and as such object values can be changed. Frozen object can’t be unfrozen.

