On My Path to Mastery

Katelyn McEneaney
Launch School
Published in
5 min readOct 17, 2023

I love the energy that the new year brings. I love the anticipation surrounding the start of it, both before and after the holidays. I enjoy looking forward with plans of what I hope to accomplish, reminiscing on each month passed, and cherishing the sweet moments shared and relationships built.

I currently find myself reflecting on 2023 and am remembering the start of the year when I dedicated myself to change. I wanted new experiences, and I’ve been working hard to make those experiences happen.

  • I wanted sunshine, surfing, and my closest friends to be near so I moved to San Diego, leaving the majestic mountains and relationships of Seattle behind me.
  • I missed the feeling of solving complex, technical problems so I left my career in Construction Project Management and have been steadily learning how to code since. I create my own schedule and hold myself accountable to learning full-time.
  • I needed to improve my mental health so I’ve been focused on recognizing my habits (the good and the bad) and working to shift my mindset in order to live a more peaceful and nourishing life.
  • I wanted to be consistent with my physical health practices. Movement is a priority. I feel strong, and I continue to learn how best to fuel my body.
  • I yearned to give back to my community and now volunteer a few hours each week tutoring 7th grade math to students in low income communities.
  • I planned to live a frugal life without indulgences while spending less and postponing all travel. I continue to maintain financial stability and am comfortable with remaining unemployed until the end of next year.
  • I wanted to prioritize my free time and spend it wisely. My social interactions are limited yet fulfilling. My support network is strong and inspiring.
  • I wanted to slow time down and grow introspectively. I’ve accomplished a lot this year and I think that’s in part due to me looking inward, prioritizing my interests, and focusing on building a strong foundation in parts of my life where improvement feels satisfying and energizing.

I feel proud, content with my achievements, and fortunate to live the life that I do.

Us self-taught developers are encouraged to have an online presence — to share what we know and what we’re working on. Writing blog posts is a new experience that has allowed me to create a platform that’s all about me and what I want to share. I sometimes feel vulnerable as I speak my truth and always hope my words are well received.

This is a piece of my story and what working toward mastery looks like for me.

Photo by Vlad Bagacian on Unsplash

Four months ago, I started my computer science education with the Launch School after a year-long search of potential software development bootcamps.

I chose to move forward with the Launch School because of the program’s emphasis on Mastery-based Learning, their sustainable monthly fee, and because the program is self-paced and assessment-driven. Mastery-based Learning follows two principles: remove all time-based measurements from the learning journey and move to a new topic only after mastery of the current topic.

A part of Launch School’s curriculum required us to read a book called ‘Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment’ by George Leonard. Reading this book made me realize that an endless journey of learning lies ahead to truly become the master of my own life.

I think I’ve been working toward mastery for a long time without calling it what it is. I take great pride in the work that I’ve done and I’m satisfied with how I got here. I’ve always worked hard and tried to practice gratitude for the opportunities that presented themselves.

I was never consciously thinking about how to master certain parts of my life. Now that I plan my present and future around the idea of mastery, the difficult and once unattainable, feels within reach. There’s power in working to make something happen and I am feeling that power. I have a new level of confidence where I believe that with the right amount of practice and diligence, I can and will make it happen.

The journey to mastery can be a long one. I believe the more challenging the skill, the longer the path. It’s a process that can continue for a lifetime. It’s a skill that requires patience, confidence, excellence, passion, commitment, optimism, courage, and determination.

I strive to always continue learning about myself, my craft, my profession, my friends, my interests and hobbies, my environment, and the cultures and lifestyles of those in my world.

With mastery, comes prioritization. No one can do everything at once. Adjustments are needed as is a desire to find balance. Life can feel overwhelming at times. There’s always something to fix, someone to see, something to do, some emotional situation to deal with — the list can feel never-ending.

With prioritization, comes letting go. There’s only so much time in a day and sometimes removing practices that no longer serve your greatest self can create more space. There’s also removal of practices that still serve you. For me, I no longer have time or the funds to host dinner parties or travel to visit those I care about. This has forced me to find new ways of expressing my appreciation for those I love and has provided me with more time to focus on myself.

Photo by Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash

I’ve been called selfish this year which hurt my feelings then and still repeats in my mind when I respectfully say ‘no’ to invitations. If putting myself first makes me selfish, then I will choose selfishness every time.

Mastery requires consistency. It requires daily work and active acknowledgement. It requires failing and trying again the next time. Little by little, we can be closer to our goals while enjoying the small successes along the way.

There’s importance in recognizing the present moment and finding solace in where you started, where you are today, and where you want to be. I’m taking the time to be present and continuously prioritizing my goals while implementing practices that nourish my mind, body, and soul.

I am trusting the process and enjoying my journey along the way.

Thanks for reading! ❤ Katelyn



Katelyn McEneaney
Launch School

I'm learning how to code and writing articles as I go to solidify my understanding and share my knowledge with whomever is interested in reading.