What is ScaleUP USA?

ScaleUP Planning and Execution Program

Photo Credit: Pixabay | Gerd Altmann

[This article is part of ScaleUP USA’s Federal Business Accelerator program which helps businesses of all sizes establish and grow their US federal government practice. Learn more by joining the free workshop.]

ScaleUP Your Growth!

ScaleUP Planning and Execution Program

What is ScaleUP USA?

We conceptualized the ScaleUP USA’s Digital Accelerator Program in late-2016. It took us over a year to vision, strategize, plan, and launch the digital platform. Already it has over 6,000 participants and many business partners. We believe this is a model for future career growth including college planning and preparation; workforce training and economic development; as well as entrepreneurship, small business development, and startup creation. We welcome partnerships with universities and colleges, governments, workforce, and economic development organizations as well as non-profits, and businesses.

ScaleUP Your Future:

Imagine the world where every common person has access to affordable, just-in-time, on-demand, career growth, entrepreneurship, and business growth education, training, and collaboration programs. Where every college student can become an expert entrepreneur and create a successful startup, consulting, or advisory company. Every small business and not just privileged technology start-ups from Silicon Valley can enroll in premium, ongoing, affordable business acceleration programs right from their business or home. Where laid-off workers do not need to stand in unemployment lines but can confidently create successful companies based on their experience and employ others. Where every American small business can capitalize not only on opportunities in the USA but collaborate successfully with other global businesses to create possibilities everywhere. This is the vision of ScaleUP USA, the nation’s first digital growth accelerator — a social enterprise for the workforce and economic development.

ScaleUP Our Difference!

You probably have been part of the advisory groups for traditional business accelerator models in the USA. They have a role in the start-up ecosystem. However, their business model is significantly different than ScaleUP USA’s and it is important to understand what this difference is and why.

First, they invest in companies in return for equity. We don’t. Not every business is seeking or can secure external investments, nor do they want to always give out equity. Our programs are digital, affordable, and available everywhere, and require no dilution of your equity.

Second, typical business accelerators are focused on technology startups. We, on the other hand, also work with students, employees, entrepreneurs, micro, small, and mid-size traditional businesses to help them grow their career, experience, and business.

Third, a significant focus of our business is helping students, employees, and businesses learn how to work with the governments starting with the most complex federal government, state governments, and local governments. US governments provide or $20 trillion worth of opportunities in terms of contracts and grants. We help individuals and businesses capitalize on these opportunities.

Fourth, typical business accelerators target early-stage companies and have a short duration, in-house cohorts for education and training. Our program is broader/deeper, helping our portfolio companies through the entire lifecycle of growth from the foundation of the company to mid-size businesses. In this regard, our program is long-term, on-demand, anytime, anywhere, and available digitally on computers, desktops, laptops, and smartphones.

Fifth, we are mainly digital and electronic, and we have a terrific platform for delivering video and textual content globally. We don’t maintain a physical presence beyond our headquarters instead we partner with local entities to create a network across the US. Our partners can be many including universities, were first development centers, economic development centers, nonprofits, governments, accelerators, and businesses of all sizes and shapes.

ScaleUP Just-in-Time Learning:

The ScaleUP USA’s Just-in-Time Learning service delivers on-demand business growth-focused, practical, learning electronically. This means it can be deployed in America and globally via the internet. Our business participants can deliver or undertake these short, targeted programs at any time on any device including smartphones. The service is high value and low cost. The learning can be measured via short tests and quizzes. Plus, the targeted, need-based programs can and are being developed rapidly as per client needs.

ScaleUP USA’s Just-in-Time Learning service is always seeking expert global business partners to jointly develop collaborative programs for delivery through ScaleUP USA’s learning platform to students, startups, small, mid-size, and large businesses around the world. Potential topics include business nurturing, growth, acceleration, new approaches, best practices, innovations, transformations, collaborations, guides, as well as tips and tricks mainly around business growth. The primary focus of this program is focused on the learning of our clients and therefore we have flexibility in evaluating varied business proposals for partnership. Talk to us about your great ideas! Together, we can make this world a better place.

ScaleUP Growth Acceleration Centers:

The Growth Acceleration Centers service brings in the physical component to the all-digital ScaleUP USA services. ScaleUP USA is partnering with local organizations like universities, governments, economic development, entrepreneurship centers, accelerators, incubators, co-working spaces, and associations in the startup, small, and midsize business ecosystems who have the local presence, understanding, network, trust, reach, and connections and who can utilize the ScaleUP USA’s electronic platform for delivering high-quality business growth acceleration programming to its clients. Video conferencing-based events, online presentations, online networking, and virtual trade missions are available for local partners as they are signed on. If you are such an organization, talk to us today. We can provide the electronic programming and you can provide the local space and network to jointly create local Growth Acceleration Centers. Together, we can create jobs, companies, and competitiveness and make this world a better place.

ScaleUP Capacity and Capability:

ScaleUP USA helps build capacity and capability amongst local, regional, national, and international businesses, non-profits, and governments by enabling just-in-time learning and business-to-business collaborations. Small, medium or large organizations can participate in this program by

  • Joining the Learning Academy or its programs
  • Actively engaging in business collaboration or teaming opportunities, and
  • Qualified economic development organizations, industry associations, companies, and technology parks can partner with the Growth Acceleration Center to help it grow.

ScaleUP USA’s job is to do the heavy lifting to actively grow this program electronically, so users can find the quality US and global ideas, expertise, technologies, methods, models, processes, innovations, transformations, best practices, suppliers, customers, partners, advisors, and investors.

ScaleUP USA’s Flagship Programs:

Scale-UP USA’s Digital Accelerator program helps high schoolers, college students, consultants, employees, contractors, entrepreneurs, startups, businesses, and nonprofits of all sizes to learn through a unique, systematic process:

  • Career Trajectory Program: How to secure the right kind of college education in the best fit majors at the right price.
  • Federal Career Accelerator Program: Get quality experience via internships, co-ops as well as part-time and full-time employment in the government ecosystem as government employees or contractors.
  • Federal Business Accelerator Program: Finally, learn how to establish and grow your government consulting, contracting, and supplier business or train your existing employees.

Also, ScaleUP USA operates the Career Trajectory Live as well as All GSA programs. It is also building an AI Healthcare Accelerator in Bangalore India.

ScaleUP Companies, Jobs, and Competitiveness.

The best way to measure the impact of working with ScaleUP USA is what we at ScaleUP USA call is the CJC factor and the impact on your community including economic success. CJC stands for Companies, Jobs, and Competitiveness. Specifically:

  • Companies: New companies created, grown or saved from closure
  • Jobs: New jobs created, grown, or saved from retrenchment
  • Competitiveness: Increased revenues, increased profits or decreased losses

ScaleUP USA, therefore, encourages individuals, entrepreneurs, startups, businesses, non-profits, universities, workforce development centers, economic development centers, government organizations, accelerators, and incubators interested in growing their local community opportunities to partner with ScaleUP USA. Partner with us!

About the Author:

Nitin Pradhan is an educator, technologist, and social entrepreneur based in the Washington DC metro region. He is the former award-winning CIO of the US Department of Transportation and an Obama Appointee. He leads the ScaleUP USA’s Digital Growth Accelerator including their Federal Business Accelerator, the Federal Career Accelerator, and the Career Trajectory Accelerator. He also advises Career Trajectory Live and All GSA programs. Business and government leaders can connect with him on LinkedIn.

