How to keep your pet safe in through the CBD boom

Throwne Consulting Group
Launcher Chronicles
4 min readMay 7, 2019

5 tips to help you protect your pet from CBD intoxication

The market for pet friendly CBD products seems set to follow the upward trend of other cannabis related products. Understandable since many pet owners like to include their pets in their recreational and health activities.

Just as owners are likely to jog with their dog or adopt a vegan diet for their cat to match their own preferences, so too are cannabis users introducing their pets to CBD.

According to the Brightfield Group, the pet focused share of the CBD market in the US will tip over the US$1 billion mark by 2022. This on the back of a wave of ever diversifying products, from meat flavored edibles to sprays and balms.

As exciting as these developments are, especially for CBD loving pet owners, it is important for everyone to note that the biochemical effects of marijuana and hemp based products on animals are still not yet fully known.

While on one hand there is some research showing that CBD has combative effects on animal cancers, there has also been an alarming rise of 765% in the number of pet emergency room calls in states that have legalized the use of CBD products.

While veterinary bodies across the world are working to better research and understand the effect of CBD (and THC for that matter) on animals — they are still a long way from having definitive guidance for pet owners looking to use CBD products on their pets.

Positives abound, from reducing anxiety and pain to helping with appetite and bowel related disorders, but the negative effects still need to be fully understood and documented.

It is therefore important for pet owners to exercise a high level of care and diligence when it comes to personal and pet related use of CBD products in the home.

Exercise caution when using CBD products in the home

How to keep your animals safe

1: Store products safely

One finding in the investigation of the sharp rise in emergency room calls for accidental CBD exposure in pets was that domestic animals are actually drawn to these products by smell. Once they find them many pets will ingest (large amounts of) CBD products out of curiosity.

It is important to make sure that whether it is medicinal cannabis, edibles or pet specific products, proper storage measures are adhered to. Ensure that products are kept in sealed cans or other such packaging which cannot be easily opened by your pets.

Keep the products out of reach or under lock and key. Ensuring that your pet cannot accidentally ingest the products is a major part of protecting them.

2: Know the signs of exposure

Knowing when your pet has ingested CBD products could be vital in acting quickly to avoid the adverse effects of intoxication.

Animals under the influence of CBD or THC may exhibit any or all of these symptoms:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Disorientation
  • Increased vocalization
  • Pupil dilation or become wild-eyed
  • Excessively drooling or even vomiting
  • Incontinence (inappropriate urination or leaking urine)
  • Slow breathing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lethargy
  • Shaking and wobbling
  • Seizures
  • Unresponsiveness or even entering a coma

The symptoms vary in terms of the compounds ingested as well as the amount taken in.

Visit your local vet the moment you notice uncharacteristic behavior in your pet in order to stabilize and reverse the effects of intoxication

3: Consult your veterinarian before using (new) products

There is little to no regulation around the formulation and labelling of pet focused CBD products. Pets typically need a lot of regulation for their medicinal products due to how sensitive their bodies are to some compounds and chemicals.

Dogs for example have a higher number of cannabinoid receptors in their brains than humans. This makes them a lot more sensitive to the psychoactive effects of THC. Many CBD oils contain trace amounts of THC which have no effect on humans but which can have a strong effect on dogs.

It is for this reason that you need to consult your vet before you use any product on your pet. Your vet will be able to assess and recommend the right product and / or dosage for your pet — in line with their ailment.

Don’t experiment or follow anecdotal recommendations. Not all pets are the same.

4: Trial and supervise the use of products

While certain products maybe be recommended for your pet, make sure that you have a trial period where you gauge the effects of the product on them.

Pets respond differently to CBD products, take full responsibility of your pet’s introduction to the product to ensure it’s having the desired effects.

Discontinue any products that cause a negative effect in your pet.

If you have multiple pets but only some of them are supposed to take the products, please monitor all of them closely make sure that the other pets do not consume a product that is not meant for them

5: Stay educated

The base of knowledge about CBD effects on pets is slowly being built. Do not rely on old knowledge or anecdotes — always be looking for newer and more complete information on how these products can affect your pet.

Subscribe to emerging education platforms such as Cannvas.Pet to stay abreast with the growing knowledge on how CBD can help your beloved pets.

It’s only by being caring and vigilant in the care of your pets that you can start to enjoy the benefits that can be gained from emerging CBD pet products



Throwne Consulting Group
Launcher Chronicles

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