Three Launchgarage Startups to Watch in 2018

Russ M
Published in
6 min readFeb 15, 2018

The people behind Launchgarage have been part of the local and global startup industry for more than 20 years. Our experience lends us insight on the unique needs of startups and their founders. Over the years, Launchgarage has helped out multiple startups by providing access to its networks of investors, corporations, mentors, incubators, and accelerators both local and abroad.

We think that there’s huge potential for certain companies under our portfolio to flourish in the local and international scene and so we believe that it’s time to shine our spotlight on our founders.

Here are three of our top picks for 2018:

Veer Immersive Technologies

Founder: Charles Justin Lim
Technology: Virtual Reality for Airline Cabin Crew Training

Why you should follow Veer: They bring a new form of technology to an otherwise traditional practice and deliver a safer, cheaper option for airlines all over the world.

Veer/VR Philippines featured in YouTube Celebrity CongTV’s Vlog in 2017

Who doesn’t love VR? During the craze that brought about the likes of Oculus, the HTC Vive, the Samsung Gear VR and more, Veer was co-founded by then 22-year old Justin Lim, fresh out of college. It is a software company that aims to revolutionize the training and education industries through virtual reality technology, starting with the aviation industry.

Cristopher David, its Chief Technology Officer, lead the initiative to build a community of hobbyists and enthusiasts in 2014 called VR Philippines (see feature above). Justin reached out to them and together they created their first product, a virtual reality obstacle course game called Reality+. Today, they have since then switched gears to cater to the professional industry and are working with Philippine Airlines (PAL) to create a simulated training module for their flight attendants.

“I’d like to think that we have the capability to disrupt the market. Training is a crucial task for multiple industries; however, many of the current methodologies in use are either outdated or could be improved. The legacy we want to have would be to change the way people learn and experience the world through VR, AR, or any other immersive technology.”

Being the CEO, Justin believes that he pushed himself to keep focused on their long-term goals as a company while still delivering all his present-day tasks. He wants to make it a point to maintain the individual well-being of each of his team members, be it inside and outside of the workplace in check. His prime responsibility? Maintaining a high company morale despite all the challenges they face at work.

Veer: BeFastTV’s Your Way 2 Silicon Valley Pitching Competition Winner | Photo Credit:

Justin worked at Microsoft Philippines for a brief period of time, which he believes greatly aided him to get to where he is today. “One thing I learned in my job is that it takes a lot of empathy and understanding to be a medium for transformation.” he says. With Veer Immersive Technologies, the future is looking bright as new technologies begin to take shape and lead the thrust for the coming years.


Founder: Dennis Ng
Technology: On-demand item delivery that fulfills consumers’ logistics needs via freelance van partners

Why you should follow Mober: In the Philippines, logistics is a big issue. Using this platform enables you to conduct businesses online by delivering various items on-demand and on-the-go.

Mober featured on local news outlet ABS-CBN in 2017

“For a person to make an impact, I believe that you need the PASSION when no one shares your beliefs, the GRIT to persevere amidst obstacles, and the AWARENESS that your opinions are not the only ones that matter and that you need other people to complement your strengths and weaknesses.”

When Dennis founded Mober in 2015, he had a vision of using a tech-based platform in filling the gap which he saw in the cargo and freight industry to be able to help small-to-medium enterprises. As CEO, he says he wants to make sure that everyone in his company shares the same vision and is eager to work towards that.

Mober is currently servicing SM Retail, one of the country’s biggest mall franchises | Photo Credit: e27

BONUS: Fun fact — As much as he is an entrepreneur, Dennis is also a stage fur parent to a Siberian Husky named Shadow. He always thinks his dog looks better than those you see on your social media timelines.

“We were a self-funded startup when we started Mober. Like any other startup, we also struggled on how we could maximize our limited resources and move Mober forward. I can’t say we have fully overcome this obstacle as we speak, but I’m certain we were able to prioritize our expenses properly. Plus, we always apply what we know in running non-tech businesses.”

Before Mober, Dennis shares that he has been through a lot of different businesses, at one point even selling packaged salt in a push cart. Today, his company serves SM Retail as its logistics partner and for many other consumers. He says that it is meant to bridge the gap in logistics delivery services as traditional logistics companies don’t offer on-demand services, which Mober does.

Competitors are on the loom, but as of the moment, it’s safe to say that Mober is a force to be reckoned with in the Philippines in terms of accessibility, affordability and overall innovation.


Founder: Angelo Valdez
Technology: HR Tech Portal which levels the playing field for fresh graduates and entry-level professionals

Why you should follow Diplomazee: With a CEO that has vast knowledge in the field and a solution which could potentially solve most HR problems, Diplomazee is definitely one to watch this year.

With over a decade of experience in HR Consultancy, Technology, and Management, co-founder and CEO Angelo Valdez aims to impart and develop the goal-oriented mindset and an advocacy to alleviate social issues on employment that aims to help young professionals.

“Innovation is very important as it’s constantly developing and is definitely a part of globalization. The ability to integrate and blend into the tech space is a key factor that business leaders should have knowledge on. Digital innovation is a growing industry and will definitely help emerging markets become successful.”

VIDEO: What is Diplomazee? by Harper and Hill in 2016.

Angelo says that he has had the opportunity to work with one of the biggest HR technology companies at, which is a leading firm with global presence. Since then, he has worked with other global brands like Manpower and Morgan Philips, to name a few. This eventually lead him to develop an advanced HR tech portal with his team that is now known as Diplomazee.

“With my exposure working in Singapore, I have definitely seen a lot — be it opportunities and challenges. I was able to realize the value of technology to people and how it helps provide a comfortable living. This inspires me to create an atmosphere and disrupt the marketplace to not only set-up businesses but to also help others realize the value of digitalization.”

One of the major obstacles that they faced was managing the market and properly educating people from the industry on what the company is all about and how is it different from others. Angelo says they were able to overcome this obstacle by managing to find proper methodologies on how to introduce it into the market and make the company stand out.

Diplomazee is breaking barriers from traditional HR practices by integrating digital transformation into new processes. They hope to leave a legacy of becoming a key player in emerging markets and to set the highest quality and standard of HR in a rapidly growing technology based environment.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of our series. If you’re interested in finding out how Launchgarage can help your startup, shoot us an email via:



Russ M

Community Relations, Launchgarage Innovation Hub