Embracing New Horizons: LaunchGarden’s Migration to the Base Network

Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2023


Dear Valued LaunchGarden Community,

Today, we’re thrilled to delve into the profound transition that lies ahead as we bid farewell to the Oasis Network and embark on a transformative journey to the cutting-edge Base Network, a dynamic platform with the backing of Coinbase. This pivotal move marks a significant chapter in our evolution, one that opens doors to unprecedented opportunities for our community.

A Strategic Shift for Greater Possibilities

Our decision to transition to the Base Network wasn’t made in haste. It’s rooted in our unwavering commitment to nurturing a flourishing ecosystem for our community. The Base Network’s innovative infrastructure, supported by Coinbase, aligns seamlessly with our aspirations, offering enhanced scalability, security, and advanced features that will empower us to unlock new dimensions of growth.

Ensuring Reward Distribution with Care

We understand that curiosity abounds, particularly about the status of rewards and our roadmap. Let’s delve into these matters:

  • LG PassHolders: We’re excited to confirm that rewards for LG PassHolders will be delivered as planned. Your faith in us has propelled our journey, and your rewards are a testament to that commitment.
  • Stakers: For our loyal stakers, rest assured that your tokens will find their homes in your wallets as we transition. Your dedication has been a driving force, and we’re committed to honoring that dedication.
  • Weekly Leaderboard Participants: The efforts of our weekly leaderboard participants will not go unnoticed. Your well-deserved rewards will be acknowledged and distributed.

Mapping the Journey: Q&A Insights

For a deeper understanding, let’s engage in a Q&A dialogue:

Q: Will our token ($GRDN) launch on the Base Network? A: Absolutely! We’re thrilled to announce that our token ($GRDN) is set to flourish on the Base Network, creating new avenues for accessibility and growth.

Q: Is a new roadmap in the works? A: Indeed! A comprehensive roadmap tailored to the Base Network is being meticulously crafted. This roadmap charts a course for innovation, engagement, and community-centric progress.

Q: Can I continue to stake with our Validator on Oasis? A: Your loyalty is appreciated, and yes, you can continue to stake with our Validator on the Oasis Network. Your support during this transition fuels our vision.

Ushering Change: Why Base Network?

Our shift to the Base Network signifies a commitment to providing our community with the best possible environment for growth and innovation. The Base Network’s robust architecture, fortified security, and seamless scalability provide an ideal landscape to nurture the LaunchGarden ecosystem. This move wasn’t just strategic; it was a decision made with our community’s prosperity in mind.

We’re immensely grateful for your unwavering support, which has fueled our journey thus far. As we forge ahead, we invite you to join us in cultivating fresh opportunities, redefining boundaries, and nurturing innovation within the Base Network.

Together, let’s cultivate a garden of endless possibilities




LaunchGarden is the most innovative launchpad built natively for the Base Network.