5 awesome initiatives LaunchGood is introducing to help smash your Zakat fundraising goals

Zainab Husain
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2020

This Ramadan is going to be different in ways we cannot begin to wrap our heads around.

And if you run a charity, mosque or simply facilitate help for important causes in your community, you know the need is greater than ever.

But donors are dialing back.

Not to mention, you no longer have a mosque full of Friday/Taraweeh worshipers to fundraise to for your important cause. Fundraising iftars where we all caught up with old friends and supported causes close to our hearts are also inevitably cancelled.

Don’t worry!

LaunchGood is stepping up their Zakat game this Ramadan so you can still raise funds for your Zakat eligible campaigns!

In Ramadan 2019, $5 Million in Zakat was paid on LaunchGood.

Google search results show that most people are searching to give their Zakat during Ramadan especially during the last Ten Odd Nights.

This year, 500K LaunchGood users could potentially pay Zakat on your Campaign!

Here are five awesome initiatives LaunchGood is introducing to help smash your fundraising goals:

1. Zakat verification with Shaykh Joe Bradford

Shaykh Joe Bradford will be verifying all Zakat campaigns this Ramadan. He holds a Masters in Islamic Law from the University of Medina. He is the author of the bestselling book ‘Simple Zakat Guide’ and a renowned expert in Zakat and Islamic finance.
Becoming Zakat verified is simple! All you have to do is select Zakat eligible when creating your campaign.

Image describing how to get Zakat campaign verified

Shaykh Joe will then verify Zakat eligibility for your campaign. If it meets the criteria, your campaign will be visible with a Zakat badge on the campaign page and also featured on the LaunchGood Zakat page.

2. Got Zakat questions? Ask Shaykh Joe

We know how important the pillar of Zakat is for every Muslim and we want to make sure your campaign supporters are equipped with the right resources. Send your questions to Shaykh Joe here: https://tinyurl.com/ycyzmlsn and we will e-mail the answer back!

3. Zakat calculator

Zakat calculation can sometimes get confusing and we don’t want anyone to be unsure about their Zakat. You can help your campaign supporters calculate their Zakat by using our Zakat calculator and make Zakat calculation quick and easy!

4. Zakat giveaway

We’re giving away $20,000 to verified Zakat campaigns on the 23rd, 25th and 27th of Ramadan!


Top campaigns with the most number of donors on 23rd, 25th, and 27th of Ramadan have the chance to win.


Ramadan 23 (May 16)–3 prizes $3000, $2000, $1000

Ramadan 25 (May 18)–3 prizes $3000, $2000, $1000

Ramadan 27 (May 20)–5 prizes $3000, $2000, $1500, $1000, $500

5. Campaign Promotion

Our team of highly skilled marketers will be employing tried and tested digital marketing strategies to make sure your Zakat verified campaign reaches your donors!

If you have any questions about your Zakat campaign on LaunchGood or just want to say, Salam! You can reach out to our Zakat Manager at zainab@launchgood.com. We’d love to hear from LaunchGooders all over the world!

Bismillah, Let’s make this our best Ramadan yet!

