5 Reasons Your GoFundMe Campaign Belongs On LaunchGood

Jawaad Khan
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2021

Crowdfunding can be hard.

After setting up your page and asking people to donate, the last thing you want to hear is that maybe you should have done something differently. But, hear us out.

Even if you’ve already started a crowdfunding campaign with another platform — GoFundMe, JustGiving, etc. — our team can quickly help you get set up and transferred over to LaunchGood. The question, of course, is why?

We actually know the folks at both GoFundMe and JustGiving and they’re awesome! But still, your campaign belongs on LaunchGood.

Below are 5 reasons we believe you’ll be glad you transferred over. Here’s the rundown:

5. You’ll Raise More…
4. You’ll Pay L̵e̵s̵s̵ ZERO!…
3. You’ll Get Real Human Support…
2. You’ll Get Tools To Market…
1. You’ll Access The Global Muslim Network…

5 Incredible Reasons to Choose LaunchGood

5. You’ll Raise More on LaunchGood

Right off the bat, statistically, you’ll raise more money on LaunchGood than other platforms. The average LaunchGood campaign raises almost FIVE TIMES more than GoFundMe, and our average donation is around $70. With us, you’re not just another campaign on our site. When you join, your success becomes our mission. Not only that, but…

4. You’ll Pay L̵e̵s̵s̵ ̵i̵n̵ ZERO Platform Fees!

LaunchGood is proud to announce that as of April 2021, we now have ZERO platform fees. Yes, that’s right! We’ve moved to a model that allows donors to “tip” instead, and historically 70%+ of our donors have covered the fees, so this helps us sustain our platform and keep it ever-improving and free for you to fundraise! It doesn’t stop there, though…

(Note: Typical credit card processing fees will apply, as with any online payment platform.)

3. You’ll Get Real Human Support

At LaunchGood, we don’t just offer technical support, we help guide campaigns to success through our live consultants, coaches, and certified fundraisers.

That’s right — you can talk to a real human being!

When you set up a campaign with us, we don’t leave you to “do it yourself.” We offer resources, support, and coaching to help you strategize the best way to reach your funding goal. If you’re already set up on another platform, we can work with you to get you switched over within an hour or two. Reach out to us about transferring your campaign. When you do, you’ll be excited that…

2. You’ll Get Tools to Market Your Campaign

Whether this is your first time fundraising or you work with a project or organization that has extensive experience, we have tools and resources to meet your needs. With a full administrative dashboard, you can access donor information, track where donations are coming from, and communicate directly with your donors (now and in the future).

Plus, we offer amazing marketing packages that allow LaunchGood’s marketing experts to help amplify your campaign through Facebook and Instagram ads, our homepage, newsletter, etc. — often with a guaranteed ROI on your investment. This allows you to multiply your reach beyond your own network. Learn more and apply for a package at LaunchGood.com/marketing.

Started a GoFundMe already? Don’t worry, we can help you copy over everything you’ve done and get up and running on LaunchGood in a matter of minutes.

Finally, the #1 reason your campaign belongs on LaunchGood…

1. You’ll Access The Global Muslim Network

We’re the largest Muslim crowdfunding platform, helping people like you raise funds online everyday (over $150 million worth!).

If you’re reaching out to Muslims to donate for your cause, we get you. LaunchGood was founded by Muslims, for the Muslim community. Helping Muslims crush their fundraising is literally our job!

And over the last 6+ years, we’ve built a community of nearly 1 million donors worldwide who share that spirit. We like to say LaunchGood is a storybook of all the good that Muslims are doing, and by placing your campaign on LaunchGood, you become part of that global narrative — and more importantly, you get access to that community.

Long story short: the LaunchGood name really means something to the Muslim community of donors ready to support your campaign.

The truth is, no matter what cause or project you’ve chosen to use crowdfunding for, we ask Allah to give you the success you’re aiming for. We know that while this is a difficult process, it can also be extremely rewarding to see the community (and the world!) coming together to help support something you care deeply about. We hope to be a part of that process, and invite you to start or transfer your campaign to LaunchGood.

No matter how you choose to proceed, may Allah bless your effort and grant you aid from places you never expected, with the least difficulty and the best of outcomes.




Jawaad Khan
Writer for

LaunchGood-er from the sunshine state, now based in DFW, working to coach amazing campaigns to success & add to global Muslim awesomeness! Lover of film & ‘ilm.