5 Things to Look Forward to in 2021

Ameera Aslam
Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2021

This is an understatement but 2020 was a year unlike any other. And it turns out that 2021 has begun with its own share of surprises. However, as Muslims, we know that we have a role to play during our time here on this Earth and nothing that has happened/is unfolding is without wisdom.

Here are some things that we can look forward to in this new Gregorian year:

1. Black History Month

Black Lives Matter demonstrations erupted across the US and the world after the chilling murder of George Floyd in May 2020. Since then, there has been a renewed commitment to understanding racism and privilege including among Muslims. LaunchGood launched our BLM page highlighting resources to amplify the work of organisers and supporters in the fight for justice for our Black brothers and sisters last year.

This year, we are excited to have our first-ever celebration of Black History Month on LaunchGood in February! There will be grants, prizes, webinars and online events for everyone to participate in. Look out for these events on our social media!

2. Reunions

Many places around the world are still dealing with differing levels of travel restrictions due to Covid-19. Some of us have not seen our families since the beginning of 2020. With the vaccine being rolled out in several countries and travel restrictions slowly being lifted, we pray that we can soon reunite with our family and loved ones.

Being apart, especially during Ramadan and Eid, has gotten us to turn to Zoom Iftars and game nights via video conferencing. InshaAllah 2021 is the year Allah removes Covid-19 from the world and we can soon physically embrace the people we love once more, and attend masajid and Islamic gatherings again, AMEEN!

3. Strengthened Connection to Allah

These have been recurring themes in my conversations with friends and family:

a) this past year has shown truly Who is in control
b) there is so much to be grateful for.

Despite the losses and uncertainty about the future, the pandemic has made many of us reflect, reminded us of what was important, and recalibrate. We’re still in the middle of this giant mass lesson but in 2021, we can look forward to deepening our relationship with Allah whether that’s reading the many great books that have come out, reading the Qur’an and its translation or tafseer, or participating in the many online offerings by Islamic institutions.

Mosques may still be closed, but the door to Allah is not.

Photo by Meriç Dağlı on Unsplash

In a review of 32 studies, it was found that “in almost every study, that religion in general, religious training, spirituality, faith, prayer, religious community and worship were associated with reduced anxiety (stress). These effects were observed in both healthy individuals and in various patient populations. In addition, a number of studies demonstrated that religious based treatment intervention was helpful in the treatment of anxiety.” (Source: Link)

4. Rethinking Community

Just like we’ve adapted to Zoom Iftars and Zoom classes, we’ve also seen how we experience and express love differently when the physical aspect is taken out of the equation. I’ve sent and received food through food delivery services & increased in my video calls with family and friends.

Something that has increased in activity on LaunchGood recently has been donors starting Legacy campaigns for their loved ones. Legacy campaigns are campaigns where someone raises funds on behalf of their loved ones, both living and those that have passed. We think this is a beautiful way to honour those precious to you and a wonderful way that we can still remain connected as a community.

You can read this blog post to find out more about Legacy Campaigns or check out www.launchgood.com/legacy to start one for someone you love!

5. Purposeful Work

I am a full-blown millennial. I say that because for my parents’ generation (Baby Boomers), survival was of utmost priority. Questions like “What do you want to do with your life?” or “Which career is most meaningful?” seemed frivolous and hardly crossed their minds. For myself, I have happily stuck at jobs that paid less in the past because I felt fulfilled and found meaning in my work.

This may be a strange time to mention this, considering the many job losses following the pandemic, but the world of work has probably changed forever. Working upwards of 45 hours a week was never normal. A lot of us are thinking about having more meaningful careers, or to be involved in something that has a bigger purpose.

Recently, School of Life London posted the following:

“One of the secrets of a satisfying work life is the refusal to be separated from our passions from the perilous journey from childhood to adulthood.
Answer this question: “What activity did you enjoy as a child?”
“I enjoyed this because…”

Evaporate your answers into adult character traits: “I am someone who likes…”

Our work feels most exciting when it taps into a fundamental passion we first discovered in childhood — or, in other words, when it most closely resembles a favourite form of play.”

If you have been thinking about how best you can be of benefit to humanity, make a change in the world, or figure out your Ikigai, check out LaunchGood’s Ramadan Fellowships!

I am truly so blessed to have found a place to serve in LaunchGood the past 4 years. Working alongside such passionate, sincere and like-hearted people is a blessing I want you to experience for yourself! Our Ramadan Fellowship includes 3 months of on-the-job training, social and community building, starting on March 1, 2021, and ending May 31, 2021. We are looking for Fellows across departments: Customer Experience, Marketing, Product, Design, Business Development and Influencer Marketing!

Look out for the Ramadan Fellowships on our Careers page here and apply ASAP:

What are some things you are hopeful for in 2021?



Ameera Aslam

Award-winning poet! Giggler, hoper, high-fiver, kindness enthusiast. https://linktr.ee/ameeraaslam