5 Tips on How to Raise the Most Funds on Giving Tuesday on LaunchGood

Nafee Rashid
Published in
4 min readNov 26, 2018

Are you wondering how you can win one of the 36 prizes and two of the $20,000 grand prizes on LaunchGood on Giving Tuesday? We are giving $100,000 away in prizes in 2 categories to people who raise the most funds/ most donors online on Nov 27, 2019. Follow the 5 practical tips below to win big on Giving Tuesday! We also have a sample text message for you to use :)

Get some pizza and start making some calls

If you are part of an organization, get your whole team or 3–4 members involved. If you are an individual get your BFF or family members to help you out.

  1. Order some pizza
  2. List everyone you know using a list like this (think past supporters, friends, family, aunty from the mosque)
  3. Divide it up among your team, give everyone tangible goals, and check in every 1–2 hours for updates and refreshers
  4. Start calling people —Let them know that you can win up to $20,000! Remember any amount counts. We are giving away prizes for the most number of donors online as well :)

Get creative on social media

Use Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, Twitter posts. Ask your friends and family to share.

Pro Tips

  1. Tell stories — Why is this work important (if you are a non-profit share a story of the impact of your work)
  2. Use pictures of humans in the post — these do much better than text posts
  3. Tag LaunchGood and use hashtag #LGGivingTuesday

Don’t turn into a bot! Send personalized texts

Mass sharing on social media is not enough as it creates a bystander effect and diffuses responsibility hence why personal appeals are essential for securing support

  1. Go to Whatsapp/iMessage/Messenger
  2. Do not create a group
  3. Message your friends and family personally
  4. You can use the same message but make sure to use their names
  5. Make sure you personalize beyond their names if this person is a big supporter

Use this as an example

Salam NAME,

I just launched a LaunchGood Campaign for [insert reason here] 🚀. [Remind your friend why this cause means so much to you]. [Include the reason why you need the funds]. [Include what you’ve done on your own to get closer to your goal]. [2–3 sentences is good]

Here’s my LaunchGood link: [Insert short link here]

It’s Giving Tuesday Today and LaunchGood is giving away 🎉$100,000🎉 in prizes and I can win up to $20,000. Please know that even $5 helps me get closer to my goal and win the prize! 🙏 Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll be happy to answer them.

Please support by making a donation and then sharing it with your network, I would greatly appreciate it.💚

Are you in touch with an influencer or famous personality or have access to the masjid mailing list?

Do you have an email list? Make sure you absolutely send out an email on Nov 27 to your list reminding them to donate.

If you know a famous person who loves your cause or an organization that supports your cause ask them to share your campaign and include your cause in their newsletters.

Create urgency — you only have 24 hours to win

People get busy, they probably wanted to support your campaign but forgot. Use Giving Tuesday to create urgency and use it as an opportunity to remind people who you have reached out to previously. Let them know that you can win $20,000 :)

So what are you waiting for? Get your pizza party started and start calling your friends, family, and supporters to back your campaign.

Here is a recap of the Contest Rules:

  1. Giving Tuesday Contest Period: 12 AM PST Tuesday, November 27th — 12 AM PST Wednesday, November 28th
  2. Any campaign that receives any donations during the Giving Tuesday Contest Period is eligible to win prizes.
  3. Prizes will be awarded to top campaigns in 2 categories: 1) Most online donations and 2) Most online unique donors
  4. Campaigns can only win 1 prize in one of the two categories.
  5. Prizes are awarded to individual campaigns — no collection of campaigns or teams.
  6. To encourage all campaigns to do outreach, LaunchGood will not be running Facebook ads or featuring campaigns on this day
  7. LaunchGood has the right to reject any potential winner if it suspects fraud, misuse of funds, or unclear breakdown of how and where funds may be used.

Check out LaunchGood.com/GivingTuesday co-sponsored by Wahed Invest for all the latest news.

Don’t delay Start Your Campaign Now :)

