Eid Mubarak! Day 10: Reviving Sunnahs

Arthur K. Richards
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2019

You’ve made it.

It’s the Day of Eid and a day of celebration.

A day to celebrate the sacrifice of the Prophet Ibrahim,

And to celebrate your own sacrifices.

A day to remember those that gave up their wealth and struggled as they embarked on the pilgrimage.

It’s a day to renew your intentions and to ask yourself,

“What am I giving for His sake?”

“Am I giving all that I can?”

Are you sharing the blessings that He has given you?

There is a tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (God’s peace and blessings upon him) in that whenever he would sacrifice, he would bring some of the shares to the family of Khadijah. Even after her death he was connected to her family and thought of her and them.

One of the actions to be done on the day of Eid is to share some of your Udhiyyah with the people.

Share it with your family, with your friends, with the poor, and with those you wish to strengthen ties with.

And if you didn’t do the Udhiyyah this Eid, then there is something else that you can share with every person that you come into contact with,



“Eid Mubarak!”

“Eid Saeed!”

A smile.

A hug.

or just acknowledgment.

There are so many people that you can touch on the day of Eid just by reaching out.

So much hurt that you can alleviate with a smile.

On these blessed days of Eid Al-Adha, congratulate one another for sacrificing.

Congratulate one another for the effort we are all making to stay upon the path that leads to Him.

Congratulate each other because these days of Eid are exactly that, a day of celebration and congratulation for the Muslim that has put Allah first.

So for every one of you reading this, I’d like to say to you…

Congratulations and may Allah accept from you.

Your brother,

Arthur K. Richards



Arthur K. Richards

Islamic Jurisprudence @Alazhar | Learning Data Analytics. Father, Husband, Runner, Arthur Ashe in training, Writer.