Keeping the spirit of giving alive for kids this Ramadan

Zainab Husain
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2020

One of the things I looked forward to every Ramadan is spreading joy and the spirit of giving in this beautiful month with my nieces and nephews.

The smile on their faces while wrapping Eid presents for newcomer Syrian refugee kids in a community center full of local families.

Their enthusiasm making over 1000 food baskets for local families in the pouring rain for Project Ramadan.

They would run from house to house in the neighborhood as we delivered samosas, dates, and sweets with a welcome Ramadan message to our neighbors.

They would take some change from their Sadaqah box every Friday and race down the Masjid hallway to drop it in the donation box.

Unfortunately, this Ramadan, it will all change and I no longer have the opportunity to do any of this with them.

I thought long and hard about how we can continue to spread the joy and generosity of this month despite the circumstances we are currently living in.

Although we won’t physically be together this Ramadan, I think I figured out a way to make a greater global impact during the lockdown.

It is something I am trying with them this year— the Ramadan Challenge with LaunchGood.

Every day of Ramadan we get to support a different cause around the World!

So many amazing and important causes like providing iftar for Rohingya refugees, a safe haven for special needs orphans in Afghanistan, providing food, shelter, and medical aid for displaced people of Idlib to delivering groceries for the immunocompromised and elderly in our local community.

Every campaign we support will have a detailed explanation of what their need is and how our support will help make a difference.

Every day before iftar, we will get on a family Zoom call and discuss which incredible cause we supported that day! We may not be physically together or be able to take part in all the charitable activities. But we will continue to help those in need this Ramadan!

