I forgot to do this one thing during my Hajj….

Zain Luqman Miah
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2019

I regret that I wasn’t able to do this. But you shouldn’t have too.

This time last year, I was preparing my bag for the journey of a lifetime, Hajj. Having been fortunate enough to travel for Umrah several times before, it was a journey that I had been planning for years. I had listed down in my notes all the creative ways I would try to tower up to my good deeds. But, when I returned home from what was a beautiful and spiritual journey, I realized I had forgotten to do the one thing that I had tried to remain consistent on for many years; giving charity during the best times of the year.

I returned home realizing that I had forgotten to give small, consistent charity during these ten blessed days.

So, this year, I’m inviting my fellow pilgrims to sign up to LaunchGood’s Dhul Hijjah challenge so you don’t make the same mistake I did.

I try to thank Allah for my memory, and I tend to remember small details in the oddest circumstances. And yet, the hustle, excitement, and exhilaration of this tremendous journey took over me.

And while I may have tried my best through charitable actions; giving refreshing chilled drinks to my fellow pilgrims and helping those weaker than me carry their items when they had fallen back, the reality was that I wasn’t able to make a difference to those around the globe.

Make a difference around the world: https://bit.ly/2OIiOGT

Furthermore, trying to get some reception and sitting on your phone is the last thing you want to do when you are trying to concentrate on what could you be your first and last Hajj (In sha Allah there will be many more for us all!). The cool thing about this challenge is that you don’t have to do any of the above. You can set it up with auto donations of as little as £5 before you board the plane and LaunchGood does the rest. It’s that simple!

And if you aren’t making the sacred Hajj pilgrimage this year, don’t worry.

There’s so much you can do from home to earn the blessings and forgiveness of Allah (SWT). LaunchGood’s challenge connects you to unique projects across the world every day for the blessed ten days, helping you reap the benefits out of these sacred days so you can make the most out of one of the most spiritual times of the year.

We ask Allah to accept the Hajj of every single person who had made intention this year and ask him to bless all those who strive to do good deeds in these coming ten blessed days. Ameen.

Join me and thousands of others around the world: https://bit.ly/32XAdOT

