Reviving Sunnahs Day 3: Standing in prayer the night of Eid.

Arthur K. Richards
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2019

Family, parks, gatherings with friends, it’s one of two days that we as Muslims look forward to year round.

We go out and purchase new clothing, as we should.

We plan where we are going to eat, as we should.

We confirm all of the homes we are going to stuff ourselves at, as we shouldn’t (just kidding, sort of).

But oftentimes we forget that on the beautiful night of Eid; when you feel like a child going on your first field trip the following day and you can’t seem to sleep because the excitement resembles little alarm clocks that launch caffeine packets into your system every ten minutes.

We forget that in those moments you have an opportunity that only comes around twice a year.

You’re probably thinking right now, “Dude, are you about to quote us that weak Hadith?”

I am.

The Prophet (May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whoever spends the nights of the two Eids in prayer, seeking reward from Allah, his heart will not die on the Day when hearts will die.”

If you want to know more about acting on a weak Hadith then you ought to look into the field of Fiqh (for why scholars would use them), and Mustalah Al-Hadith (for why Hadith are ranked as weak).

So why am I quoting you this Hadith?

Actions such as the night prayer are especially powerful and beautiful because when you could be sleeping, you are standing in worship.

This is even more so the case on the night of Eid when everyone is either preparing for Eid, and you (yes you) have decided to pray during the darkness of the night to the One that has gifted you life.

Do you think that’s something Allah will look at lightly?

Do you think it won’t weigh heavily on your scales?

You could skip out because it’s a weak hadith,

or you could go ahead and Revive a Sunnah.

P.S. Mention me by name when you speak to your Lord.

Your servant,

Arthur K. Richards

If you’re looking for resources to make the most of out these 10 days check out some of these amazing initiatives to help you connect more spiritually with these blessed days:

The LaunchGood Dhul Hijjah Challenge: Incredible easy way to give a little charity daily with tips on how to revive the forgotten Sunnahs of Dhul Hijjah.



Arthur K. Richards

Islamic Jurisprudence @Alazhar | Learning Data Analytics. Father, Husband, Runner, Arthur Ashe in training, Writer.