Muslim Giving on Giving Tuesday

Mariam El-Khatib
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2018

Last year, over $274 million dollars was donated online as part of Giving Tuesday. This year, the numbers are expected to be even higher and we want you to help Muslims be a part of it.

How does it work?

On Tuesday, November 27th, host your Giving Tuesday campaign on LaunchGood and rally your network to donate generously. Campaigns that get the most donations or the most number of unique donors will be eligible to win additional funds for their projects — there are many prizes up for grabs including potentially up to $20,000.

We’re here to help you be successful in your Giving Tuesday campaign. Here are some key things to keep in mind to make the most out of this international day of giving.

The Intention

Think about why you are doing this campaign.

We know that the potential for raising lots of donations and winning the money prizes at stake can be a huge driving force. But as Muslims, everything we do serves a larger purpose. Make sure that you take a moment to think about why you are raising the funds, how you will use them, and what impact they will bring to your community. It will make your efforts, and inshaAllah your success, be more sincere and blessed.

The Campaign Page

It might seem like a no-brainer but your page will be key to having a successful Giving Tuesday campaign. Make your pitch short and simple. State your ask and get to the point. Use pictures and imagery to get people’s attention.

Submit your campaign by November 20th and you can request to have a coaching call with one of our expert coaches to give you feedback about your page.

Get started today by submitting your campaign at

Make sure to check out the ‘Help & Tips’ section to create a successful campaign page

The Team

Crowdfunding in general works better when you have multiple people on your team but this is especially true for Giving Tuesday. You only have 24 hours to get as many people as possible to donate to your campaign. The more people you have the more people you can reach. It is also much more exciting to go through the intensity of Giving Tuesday with a team. Which takes us to the next point.

The Hype

You have to build excitement around your campaign. The more excitement you can build in the days leading up to and on the day of, the more that will translate into donations on Giving Tuesday.

People love to be a part of something big and exciting. Make everyone who sees your campaign feel like they get to be a part of the story and a part of the success. Provide regular updates throughout the day about the campaign and how much funds have been raised so far. We’ll also be displaying a live leaderboard on our Giving Tuesday page.

How awesome would it be for donors to feel like their donation helped their favorite campaign win $20,000?!

FOMO is a very real thing. And it could work to your advantage.

The Creativity

There are thousands of campaigns and causes vying for donations on Giving Tuesday. Who gets the donations depends on who can stand out the most.

Whether it’s social media posts, blogs, emails, memes, live streams or anything else, make sure that you create content that is original and that will tell your story in a unique way.

Giving Tuesday is a great opportunity to get donations for your causes, bring excitement to your campaign, and engage in some friendly competition to win additional funds. LaunchGood is looking forward to hosting your Giving Tuesday campaign and being a part of your success. To get started, go to

Finally, make sure to check out this story from our 2017 Giving Tuesday winner for more insight on what it takes to lead a successful campaign.

