The BEST Ten Days of the Muslim Year is Here!

Ameera Aslam
Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2020

Dhul Hijjah Mubarak!! 🥳

I know, I know. It doesn’t feel celebratory. Some of you reading this might be nursing a broken heart because you were looking forward to actually being there in Makkah for Hajj this year. It may even be your first time and you’d been saving up and had prepared for it! InshaAllah you will be invited again, maybe next year (ameen!) and rest assured, your reward for this year’s Hajj is already secured. The Recording Angels have already written down an accepted Hajj for you! Allah gives, even when it looks like ‘taking away’. 💚

For the rest of us, you may never have had someone congratulate you for Dhul Hijjah. Well, that’s what I’m doing today!

And I’m doing so because we’re actually in super magical holy days.

We are sharing Daily Inspirations during the first 10 days over at our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Follow and share!

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “There are no days greater in the sight of Allah and in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Him than these days, so during this time recite a great deal of Tahlil (La ilaha ilAllah), Takbir (Allahu Akbar), and Tahmid (Alhamdulillah).” (Musnad Imam Ahmad).

Well, if that’s not something to celebrate, what is?! He said there are no days greater than these days (the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah). And no days where righteous deeds are more beloved!

How shall we make use of these 10 Best Days?

  1. Zikr: Recite a great deal of Tahlil (La ilaha ilAllah), Takbir (Allahu Akbar), and Tahmid (Alhamdulillah).
  2. Perform the Qurban or Udhiya. You can check out for Qurban or Udhiya campaigns from around the world!
  3. Fast the first 9 days of Dhul Hijjah. If not, then you mustn’t miss 9 Dhul Hijjah/Day of ‘Arafah if you are able to fast! It was narrated from Abu Qatadah RA that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was asked about fasting on the day of ‘Arafah and he replied: “It expiates for the past and coming years.” (Muslim)
  4. Lots and lots of tahajjud! Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that standing in one of these nights in prayer is equal to standing in prayer on Lailatul Qadr! 😮
  5. Daily charity or Sadaqah. That’s exactly what our Dhulhijjah Challenge is about! Sign up and automate your giving for the best 10 days of the year to be given to various worthy and credible causes such as refugee care, Yemen humanitarian aid, orphan sponsorship and more!


A yearly scene: men in ihram, white cloth strung across one shoulder, large crowds heading to Mount Arafah, hands raised up in prayer, the Haram completely packed. These are the images that we are used to seeing during Hajj season. Even when we are not there, most of us know at least one other person who has been on Hajj. With social media, it’s become a strange but sweet shared experience for the whole ummah somehow.

This year, Hajj is not the same. But it doesn’t mean that the shared experience is gone. If anything, it is a loss that we are ALL facing together!

LaunchGood would like to hear your stories!

Let’s continue to live the spirit of Hajj even if we are not physically there by sharing our Hajj stories and pictures ❤

Please email the following:

If you were supposed to be on Hajj this year, how are you feeling? What was that journey for you to decide on going for Hajj? How will you now spend the Hajj days since Hajj is cancelled?

If you’ve been to Hajj before, share with us one or two specific memories or stories from your own Hajj? Was your prayer answered? Did you meet someone on Hajj that you couldn’t forget? If you have pictures to accompany your stories, even better!

If you’ve never been to Hajj but had someone close to you go to Hajj, what was that experience like? Were you worried for them? How did you cope with them being away? Did their going for Hajj bring you closer to God?

Into photography and not so much words? Share with us your Hajj/Umrah pictures and we will credit you accordingly if we share them across our social media.

Let’s thank Allah for the gift of these 10 blessed days and strive as much as we can inshaAllah! Can’t wait to hear your stories!



Ameera Aslam

Award-winning poet! Giggler, hoper, high-fiver, kindness enthusiast.