What is crowdfunding?

Zain Luqman Miah
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2020

More and more people are heading online to raise funds for causes that matter to them, so what is crowdfunding? #Crowdfunding101 #Fundraising #Fundraisers #Crowd

Crowdfunding by definition:

Crowdfunding harnesses the power of social networks and the internet to give people the means to raise funds, help others overcome hardship and meet aspirational goals. With crowdfunding, you can help a friend or an entire community. You can do anything from paying for your own operation to fulfilling a student’s dream of going to university — and so much more.

Who can crowdfund?

Just about anyone. That’s right, as long as you have a cause and the passion to take positive action, you can crowdfund. You might be a fundraising manager for a charity, a community champions or a concerned friend or family member. If you know someone who needs help, you can crowdfund for them. Unfortunately, most opportunities to help others never get off the ground. Take the plunge, if someone is in need and you think you can help, you probably can!

The Crowdfunding Journey

Generally, the following is the trajectory a campaign follows. It all begins with a need or idea. A need to help someone or a group of people, or an idea which provides a solution to a common problem.

How can you get started?

Got a cause you want to crowdfund for? Head over to LaunchGood.com/Start, follow the steps and you’ll be making a difference in no time.

Want to speak to someone before you start?

Why not speak to one of the experts at the LaunchGood team, they’ve been helped over 19,000 campaigns raise over $150Million over the last 7 years.

UK: zain@launchgood.com / USA: nadeem@launchgood.com

