Growing to $32,000/month in the first year with the help of LaunchPass 🚀

Seth Lesky
Published in
1 min readSep 19, 2018

I’m thrilled to share the following IndieHackers interview with SEO expert, and LaunchPass member, Nick Eubanks of Traffic Think Tank. Check out his awesome landing page with the embedded LaunchPass widget.

In the interview, Nick shares how he’s grown a Slack-based community to $32,000/month in under a year.

Traffic Think Tank is a brilliant example of the power of bringing together experts, valuable content, and community within a premium Slack group.

“Invest in your education, and never accept that you know enough about a topic that’s important to you or your career.” Nick

For those of you planning to grow your own paid Slack community, this is a great opportunity to join the conversation in the comment section.

Seth & Team LaunchPass

