How to Get More Discord Members

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4 min readSep 6, 2022

If you run a Discord server, you’ve likely wracked your brain around how to get more Discord members. It’s not the easiest nut to crack — sustainable community growth means connecting with quality subscribers that see value in what you do, and even go as far as advocating for you.

Whether you run a premium Discord community or simply want to get more Discord members on your server, growth is definitely top of mind. While everyone wants to see their business grow, a lack of strategy can seemingly lead progress to a dead end.

Not to worry, though. You can maximize your opportunities with some simple tips and start gaining new Discord members to grow your community

TL;DR — Tips we’ll cover:

  • Be Clear About Purpose and Benefits
  • Take Time for Branding & Design
  • Stay Active & Engaged
  • Provide Continuous Value
  • Involve Your Community
  • Consider Advertising

Be Clear About Purpose and Benefits

An attractive Discord community needs to have a well-defined purpose that is interesting and resonates with potential members. This should be clearly communicated via a solid, clear description.

Along with a purpose, you should also have a strong value proposition — in other words, how joining your server will benefit someone. If you don’t have a clear reason to exist, they won’t see a clear reason to join. This is especially true if you’re offering a premium subscription service.

A few things to remember:

  • Build out a robust and informative server description
  • Spend some time crafting a good community name
  • Be specific about what community members can expect, any perks, etc.

Take Time for Branding & Design

This is all about adding personality to your server. What makes it unique? Approach this question in terms of the feel of the community. How can you make it a place people want to be? Think about your ideal customer persona, and what traits would appeal to them.

You can also use these to create entry landing pages that draw in potential members. These pages will act as magnets for your community that showcase the value of joining. To get the most out of your landing page, check out this article on creating high converting pages for your community.

Stay Active & Engaged

Be sure to consistently engage with your community. Continuous conversation will help keep the buzz going around your community and will increase your chances of keeping members for the long haul. But this isn’t just a retention play: the more engaged your Discord members become, the more likely they are to recommend your community.

How you do this will depend on the nature of your server, but some things we have found that help engage community members include:

  • Hosted Ask Me Anything (AMAs)
  • Taking advantage of new Discord features like Stage Channels and Scheduled Events
  • Special member-only perks, product discounts, and more

Provide Continuous Value

Pretty obvious, we know. But providing solid value will be a main driving factor for those looking to join. Detailing benefits during onboarding and the continuous perks members will get communicates the future value to members. This can be done using tiered offers or a form of progression that rewards users the longer they stay or the more invested they get. A simple way to do this is via LaunchPass. The platform lets you set up exclusive content access in Discord, create multiple-tiered offers, and much more.

Involve Your Community

If your Discord server members love what you offer, why not let them do some of the heavy lifting? Through continued engagement, you should see some success in gaining loyal members, to which you can then make ambassadors. Brand ambassadors can represent your community and help to recruit new members.

Rewards and incentives — like affiliate programs — can be a huge motivator for others to bring new names to the community. (We do this with the LaunchPass Partner Program, and it’s gotten us great results!)

Consider Advertising

A generalized approach to gaining new members is via ads. This can be particularly helpful if you run a paid community on Discord or use your server to generate revenue. Social ads and promotion in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or others can help stir some conversation about your community. You can get pretty specific in terms of targeting, but it doesn’t guarantee new joins. You also have to keep in mind that while ads can be a great way to find new Discord members, it costs money to start and maintain campaigns.

Remember, Consistency is Key

Long term growth takes time. Every small effort will accumulate and drive greater results over time. After all, you want dedicated Discord members that drive engagement, growth and revenue. Seeking short term wins won’t hold sustainable results and could cause burnouts. Stay consistent and strategic with your efforts and continuously remind yourself of your goals and objectives.

With some effort, these tips can help you get more Discord members and build up your community.

If you’re new to Discord and need some help getting started, or you want some additional advice on how to get more members, feel free to drop us a note or schedule a call with our Customer Success & Growth team.

