LaunchPass Update from Chiang Mai

Seth Lesky
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018

As I’ve been working on our affiliate partner program (which has had an epic response), a number of requests came in for one particular enhancement. This feature had the benefit of being both useful and quick to implement, so without further adieu…

You can now pass coupon codes, and email addresses from your invite page link, and they will be filled in automatically. This way, if you already have a customer’s email address, they don’t have to type it in again. It also enables you to share links with your coupon codes pre-filled, which is perfect for sharing discounts and tracking your marketing campaigns.

Benefits include:

  • Improved campaign analytics
  • Quicker signup times
  • Better integration with your existing site/data
  • Reduced signup abandonment

This works for both LaunchPass widgets and invite pages 👍

So if you are using the widget, you can encode a coupon and email like so:

Or from your invite pages:

This feature will be supported on any new invite pages, and widgets you create. If you’d like it to work on an existing page, or widget, all you need to do is re-publish your invite page for it to take effect.

We also rolled out an improved credit card update system for your subscribers. Now, if a member has failed payments, they get a link at the bottom of each invoice where they can immediately update their billing information. Very convenient 😉

Finally, since I’ve been building this in Chiang Mai, Thailand, below is an obligatory photo of a pretty amazing temple I recently visited.

As always, if you have any questions or feedback please leave a comment. And if you’re interesting in launching a subscription membership community on Slack in minutes visit us here:

Seth & Team LaunchPass 🚀​

