Tracking your affiliates, SlackPass + Zapier

Tucker Kline
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2017

Connecting your SlackPass page with Zapier is a great way to be enable a huge amount of new functionality for your membership group. The integration gives you access a lot of new cool features like seamlessly syncing up with your favorite CRM, and tracking affiliates for those of you who plan to give deals to your members to encourage more signups.

There’s a few steps necessary in order to start tracking your affiliates. After logging into your SlackPass admin panel and starting your 14-day free trail:

Step 1) Copy your Zapier API Key from the SlackPass settings tab. It’ll look something like the following:

Step 2) Accept the Zapier invite (if you’re interested send me an email at and I’ll hook you up)

Step 3) Click to create your Zap

Step 4) Choose your trigger. For affiliate tracking that would be “New Member”

Step 5) Connect your SlackPass account. Paste in the API Key from your settings page

Step 6) Follow directions until the trigger setup is completed. Then add the Google Sheets action. This is a simple way to track every new signup, including the affiliate code used on signup.

Step 7) Select create spreadsheet row

Step 8) Connect your Google account, so it can access your google sheets

Step 9) Create the google sheet you plan to use to track signups. Give it a name, and add the following header row. This row tells Zapier what data you want to track and where. For tracking affiliates the most important are probably email, price and affiliate.

Step 10) Select your new google sheet and the page within the google sheet

Step 11) Connect SlackPass data to each of the rows in your google sheet like in the image below. If all goes according to plan you should have two new rows of example data added to your google sheet. That means things are connected, feel free to delete the example lines, but make sure to keep the header row.

That’s it! All you have to do is turn on your new Zap:

You can slightly modify this flow to get all your signups email added to MailChimp, get Slack notifications for TypeForm entries and a whole list of other awesome integrations.

Ready to get started? Head over to SlackPass and I’ll help set you up!

