Favourite Things… Training Fuel (aka Food!)

Laura Kennington
Laura Kennington
Published in
6 min readJun 28, 2020

This is the fourth in a series of blogs all about my favourite things.

The first was all about my favourite apps. The second was all about (some of) my favourite books. This third was about my favourite ways to keep fit! This one is all about eating because, in many ways, endurance challenges are basically an eating competition. Food in, energy out!

Did somebody say snacks…?

Supermarket snacks


As anyone who knows me will confirm, I am never without my trusty bag of homemade trail mix — a zip lock bag full of nuts (macadamia, almonds and cashews usually) and dried mango pieces (absolutely NO raisins allowed!!). I’ve honestly lost count the amount of times my trail mix has saved the day — for me and other people I’ve been out with. Closed cafe/local shop — trail mix. Train/plane delays — trail mix. Need something convenient to nibble often to keep your energy up — trail mix. The thought of another super sugary energy gel is making you gag and you’re craving something savoury — trail mix.

Nuts have a high fat content so they also contain a lot of energy. They are also high in both protein and fibre, which makes them satisfying and they keep you going for a while. Full of nutrients like Vitamin E, potassium and magnesium , too — small but mighty!

If I’m away for a few weeks then I’ll not only have some trail mix with me that I replace as I go, I’ll also have a jar of peanut butter with me. Cheap and effective. Fun fact: I ate peanut butter wraps every single day (for 74 days!!) during the #GreatNorthRide!


Theoretically, burning thousands of calories and being able to eat all the cake/junk food you like sounds great but it gets old. It’s important to look at the quality of your calories, not just the quantity. I actually crave fresh veg during long distance challenges — here are the ones I usually grab on the go:

Running across Fuerteventura with Tessa, powered by cucumbers (and Orange Fanta…)
  • Cucumber — high water content to help with hydration, contains antioxidants and vitamins C and K as well as minerals like magnesium, potassium and manganese. Also high in soluble fibre.
  • Celery — high water content and high in vitamins A, K, and C, plus minerals like potassium and folate
  • Broccoli — contains iron, potassium, calcium, selenium and magnesium as well as the vitamins A, C, E, K and a good array of B vitamins including folic acid! Also a good source of fibre and protein.


A recent development here — all the cafes have been closed in Covid 19 lockdown so I realised I would have to make my own treats for long bike rides. I also found baking quite therapeutic! Here are some recipes for you to try out for yourself…

  • BAKED OAT COOKIES (makes 6)

Ingredients: 1/2 cup oats, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1–2 tbsp peanut butter, 1 banana, 1–2 tbsp cacao powder, 1/3 cup of plant milk (I use oat)

Method: Pre-heat the oven to 190º. Mash the banana and mix the rest of the ingredients in a bowl. Spoon the mixture on to a baking tray covered in baking paper. Ready in about 15 minutes!


Ingredients: 4 ripe bananas, 50g chocolate (or vanilla) protein powder**, 100g self-raising flour, 100ml milk (I use almond), 3 tbsp maple or agave syrup, 1 tbsp baking powder, 40g of vegan chocolate broken up into bits and 60g of mixed nuts/fruit in whatever ratio you fancy. I sometimes throw in some raspberries which work well with the chocolate!

Method: Pre-heat the oven to 200º. Mash the banana and mix the rest of the ingredients in a bowl. Spoon the mixture into your muffin tray (grease it with coconut oil first to stop it sticking) and then bake for about 25–30 minutes. Let them cool down for about 15 minutes before you take them out of the moulds!


Ingredients: 190g flour, 30g granulated sugar, 80g maple/agave syrup, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 40ml of oil (I usually use MCT oil), 1 portion of egg replacer (or 1 egg if you’re not vegan!), 120ml of milk (I use almond),125g of raspberries/blueberries/both (I used frozen raspberries for this but I’m sure it would work just as well with blueberries). Optional: 30g of vegan chocolate broken up into small pieces.

Method: Pre-heat the oven to 200º. Mix it up and spoon the mixture into your muffin tray (grease it with coconut oil first to stop it sticking) and then bake for 15-20 minutes. Again, it’s a good idea to let them cool down for about 15 minutes before you take them out of the moulds!


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, etc…

My post-training shake is nearly always the same, here’s what’s in it and why.

  • Pineapple juice, sour cherry juice and ginger — all of these are anti-inflammatory. (As is turmeric, but obviously no-one wants that in a smoothie, so I save this for other meals!)
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (and some frozen avocado when I can get it )— high in Omega-3, an essential fatty acid, vital for various bodily functions including good brain and heart health.
  • 2 scoops (20g) of vanilla protein powder **— protein has many important roles to play in the body, I won’t go into them all here suffice to say it is extremely important for synthesis & repair of damaged muscle tissues. Exercise leads to micro tears in your muscle tissues which can be repaired only in the presence of protein! Putting a scoop of protein in a shake (or in your porridge, which I also do most mornings!) is a really easy way of boosting your daily intake.
  • Almond milk and 1 banana — just to thicken it up/make it a bit creamier.

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** Vegan protein powders often taste like fruity cement/flavoured chalk. I have tried so many of them and they always massively disappointed… until I discovered Nuzest’s “Clean Lean Protein” pictured to the left and above! After buying their products with my own money for a couple of years, I’m proud to now officially be an ambassador for them. Happy to report this also means I can pass on a discount to you guys!

“LauraKairos” gets you 15% off. Hands down, best protein powder (vegan or otherwise!) I’ve ever tasted. I often default to their vanilla flavour because it goes with everything but the functional flavours are yummy, too. The Chai Turmeric+ Maca one with warm milk is like a hug in a mug!

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I hope you guys find this helpful! Let me know if you try any of the recipes by tagging me on social media — I’d love to see your creations!

Find me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.



Laura Kennington
Laura Kennington

Adventure Athlete, Author, Keynote Speaker & Ice Cream Enthusiast. www.laurakairos.com