My mograph adventure

Laura Amber
Laura Amber
Published in
4 min readApr 4, 2018

How and why I got into this

Hi everybody! ✨

Today I wanna share with you how I got into motion graphics and why I’m still into it.

Our relationship started like three years ago, just because animation, but above all, 3D animation seemed to be magical for me, and I really needed to understand how that worked. I wanted to know the hard work that was behind those beautiful creations that made me dream awake.

My first steps were thank to Domestika, a website that offers online courses by some professionals I admire. Keep on reading to know their names!

My first online course from there was one from Tavo Ponce (who I met with in person last year at Lightbox Academy and at Pre Blanc Festival months later). With him, I learnt the basics (shortcuts are definitely a basic).

Tavo Ponce

Time later, I discovered brands such as Paperwolf.


I was so amazed by paper architecture that I started creating my own 3D paper models. Here you can see one of them in action (and get your own one here):

Lowpoly spaceship papercraft model created from zero

I needed more content to learn from and the bad thing about YouTube or Vimeo tutorials is that they don’t have a learning timeline (despite the fact Greyscalegorilla and eyedesyn are GOLD, it’s better to know the basics before jumping to that), so that time I chose Zigor Samaniego as “teacher”. BUT he used Octane at the tutorials and I didn’t have it so… Nope, I didn’t finish (and still haven’t, ups) the online course. But it was great to know his work! And it made me get Arnold and keep on playing with 3D.

Spoiler: I’ll meet him soon. I just know it. (I DID IT!)

Zigor Samaniego

Time later, I got graduated with a Graphic Design degree focused on digital communication and kept on studying to specialize on UI/UX. After finishing those studies I joined to a company and, surprise… Yes, I officially started studying motion graphics with Ae and C4D, on Saturdays since October 2017, at Trazos.

(Truth is that my hunger to learn was enhanced by my frustration about the daily routine at the company, but that’s another story. I hate feeling I’m losing my time or not improving so that and the gym were my scape to avoid getting depressed until I left that job… We all have struggles!)

At Trazos I got the opportunity to learn mograph for the first time in a in-class way, from a person whose portfolio high quality was crucial for me to take this step. His name is Álvaro Navarro and it was great being able to ask him about his professional experience, not just technical doubts. He enjoyed showing and explaining to us real works he had created for clients and personal ones. That was a big added value to my “learningmographwithAe” experience.

Álvaro Navarro

We’re currently in April 2018 and my life is about weightlifting in the morning (I don’t wanna be a plant all day in front of the screens), working as Product Designer at a Silicon Valley startup from Monday to Friday, going to mographwithC4D classes on Saturdays and reading about personal growth and psychology on spare time (and playing with Snapchat filters, crap). What’s your excuse for not stop improving?

Oh, I also started last month another C4D online course, just because I love her use of colors and shadows... I’m ok. My head is still ok.

And that’s it. That’s my mograph adventure from 3–4 years ago until now. Go and check my Instagram feed to know more! ✨

Laura Amber

