Product School

Laura Amber
Laura Amber
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2018

Home redesign (design challenge)

First things first.

What is Product School?

Product School is the world’s first tech business school. We offer certified Product Management, Coding, Data and Blockchain courses; our instructors are real-world product managers working at top tech companies such as Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Airbnb, LinkedIn, PayPal, and Netflix. (…)

As part of the process for getting a position at Product School as Product Designer, they asked me to redesign their home as design challenge, by using Sketch, symbols, defining the Atomic Design by working with components. The only condition was that it had to mix tech with classicalrecognizeduniversities style, such as Harvard. They wanted to look exclusive, expensive and classic, but techie and young/fresh.

(I’m aware of the fact that accepting that meant doing FREE work, but I saw it as an exercise for my portfolio, so I accepted and kept on with the process…)

Note for companies:

If you want to evaluate designers skills as part of the process of hiring them, don’t use your own products or pending projects for that. It’s NOT fair.

I spent 4–5 full days working on it, on the perfect typography combination, the tracking and leading, text styles, the balance between colors, the coherence on the shadows and details, the distances and spaces (air), the —what I call— “reading levels”, iconography, references, responsive (mobile version)…

First step of the process: play, try and diverge

Once I had the project almost finished but still had to polish details, I got in touch with two designers from Czech Republic, asking individually for some useful feedback:

Adam Kozel, UI/UX Designer at Ents
Luboš Volkov, Lead Designer at Toptal

That support helped me a lot and I currently consider them part of my designers community. ❤

Style guide & home components (nested symbols)

Note for UI newbies:

Why using symbols? Consistency, medium-long term agility, easier scalability, easier implementation in front-end (everything is defined; that means lack of or less crazy variables).

Desktop & mobile view
Product School home UI redesign by Laura Amber

If you are curious, yes, I got the job.

