Beer and BMWs in Bavaria

Lauren Townson
Lauren and Emma in Europe
2 min readJan 12, 2019

Yesterday, we arrived in Munich, Germany around noon after a great train ride from Berlin. There was snow all throughout our train ride, and we learned that most of Bavaria had gotten an usually high amount of snow over the past few days. However, Munich, one of the larger cities in Bavaria, was handling the snow well and, oddly enough, felt warmer than non-snowy Berlin. Our first stop was the historic Hofbräuhaus where we each had a beer and a pretzel. How Bavarian of us!

We opted for the smaller beer but the larger pretzel. Both were great, and I am happy to report that we both finished all of the beer and all of the pretzel.

Today, we woke up and headed to Tushita Teehaus, an adorable tea house Emma found for us. The place was absolutely packed when we got there (always a good sign), and we managed to find a small table in the main room. We both ordered their bowl, made up of rice, lettuce, tofu, eggplant and some yummy sauces, because we felt like we needed to eat some veggies after carb loading! We also each got a tea. Emma ordered an oolong called Kauai Flower, and I ordered a rooibos called Bleu et Orange. They were AMAZING, and we left feeling very happy and very warm.

After lunch, we headed to Olympic Park and the BMW Museum. At the park, families were sledding and even skiing down some of the large, presumably man-made mountains from the Winter Olympics. The BMW Museum featured a building with exhibitions on the past, present and future of BMW and a building set up as a huge showroom. Although neither of us are BMW fans, we ended up really enjoying the museum, and we might have even found our future cars (Shoutout to BMW owner and our good friend, Logan Pintor! You would’ve loved it!)

Right: An old BMW model that Emma and I thought looked really cool. Left: BMW’s first road vehicle was a motorbike, and we sat on one of the many display models they had on the showroom floor (This is probably the only time you will see either of us on the back of a motorcycle).

