Data Collection Methods


The next step in this action research project that explores primary caregiver systems is to develop a plan for meaningful data collection. Three methods that will work best for this setting and provide the most meaningful data are as follows:

  1. Field notes — Observation of the Toddler/Twos class at least 3 times each week during their morning activity time for one hour each day. These notes will be written descriptions of my observations, providing details about both child and teacher activity. I will objectively record what I see and write a reflection for each observation following the time spent in the classroom. I have created two charts that will help to tease out information about both teacher and student activity during the observed time. Each chart lists activities that could be observed and a space is provided for a tally or a teacher initial. The purpose of this type of data collection is to gather information about what is happening in the classroom and use this information to observe change over time.
  2. Parent surveys, teacher surveys — These survey questions are designed to be asked both pre and post-study. Sample questions for teachers include:

Please write about your experience at drop off, including positive elements, negative elements and suggestions for change. (Parent survey question)

If your child could write about his or her experience in our care, what would he or she say? (Parent survey question)

Consider the daily flow and routines in the classroom. Which times can be most difficult/stressful? (Teacher survey question)

Please share your thoughts about the system of caregiving we are currently using in the Toddler/Twos classroom. Include both the perceived positive and negative impacts on the children. (Teacher survey question)

3. Attitude/Rating scales — These scales will provide data from both teachers and parents as the impact of the current environment is assessed. As with the survey questions, they will be distributed both before and after the study. Sample scales include:

(Parent scale) My child has developed an attachment with one teacher in particular. (Rate 1–5 on a scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)

(Teacher scale) Please rate your level of stress during lunch time. (Rate 1–5 on a scale from Not at all Stressful to Highly Stressful)

I plan to collect data about our current structure from March 5–23. Changes will be implemented on April 3 and continue through May 4. Stay tuned!

