Relevance of Journalism

Lauryn J
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2019

In today’s society, who is forming our views and opinions? This is a question that we must continue to review and explore. As we look at the many sources of how news and information is being received, there is a large concern for what is viewed as truthful and reliable news.

Journalists are held to a higher standard and are expected to operate by a code of ethics that require them to deliver news with integrity. They wear several hats, and not only do they collect, write and distribute news to the public but they also act as a storytellers and informants who write stories with clarity.

In the Watergate story, the two journalists Woodward and Bernstein were told to make sure everything they were reporting was accurate. Their job was providing information with credible facts because news that is published can and has caused the public’s opinion to change whether it is about a person or a situation.

The shift that journalism has taken in recent years is constantly affecting the way society gets their news in a major way. Because of this shift, and this current microwave society, journalists are putting out news at a rapid rate and have an expectation to give news out at as soon as possible. This results in news that doesn’t always have all the facts.

Another issue is the overuse of the term “fake news”. Not all the reports of something being fake news is incorrect but sometimes is missing information after being published.

News is often distorted supporting either the left or right side depending on what viewpoint and of whom opinion the news is being written or reported from. In efforts to support their views, authors of news would have to take an oath that their story is the truth in efforts to discredit others.

A new stream of news sources have entered the market.The field has converted from printed newspapers as the main source to a widespread use of radio, television, and digital media. Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook have become the news source that many people are turning to despite the lack of integrity and void of the code of ethics most journalist agree to abide by.

News is being delivered 24 hours a day and access to news is available at your fingertips from many different sources. This is quite concerning because these medium of news have no obligations for honesty or accuracy.

This news is being generated from the thoughts of the author and is motivated by self-promotion and sometimes malicious intent. Because of the lack of correct information and independent thinkers, the ability of citizens to access news and information from unlimited sources causes people to form their own opinion about an issue.

As a journalist, the goal is to strive to provide information and news that is both true and unbiased. The function that journalism plays in our lives is still important and although it is changing fast, the need to informed will not go away any time soon.

