Lava supports Aptos builders with decentralized APIs!

Lava Network
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2023

We’re excited to announce that Lava is now powering decentralized APIs for Aptos Mainnet!

Aptos builders can join our testnet and get fast, reliable & private access to blockchain APIs - the decentralized way 🌋

💫 About Aptos

Aptos Labs, co-founded by Mo Shaikh and Avery Ching, is dedicated to creating better network tooling and seamless usability to bring the benefits of decentralization to the masses.

Having now raised over $400M, Aptos Labs is backed by top-flight investors, including a16z, Jump Crypto, Binance Labs, Dragonfly, PayPal Ventures and Coinbase Ventures.

🚀 How is Lava supporting Aptos?

Lava is empowering Aptos developers with decentralized access to Aptos Mainnet APIs, without having to host their own infrastructure, rely on public endpoints or centralized providers.

Calling developers! Start using Lava RPC, join our developer community and help us build Lava 🌋

Developers can also use our Server Kit, to build their own private gateway, to gain p2p access to providers on Lava Network.

In addition to the Gateway and Server Kit, our most exciting product is in late stages of development! The Lava SDK — is a TypeScript implementation of Lava’s Protocol, that empowers developers with plug & play integration of multi-chain RPC, by adding a simple js library to their code!

💪 Decentralization = Maximum Performance

Many assume that decentralization = lower performance, due to the coordination efforts associated with reaching consensus. However, in the context of blockchain APIs, decentralization is actually the best way to achieve maximum performance, reliability and accuracy.

Apps that are using Lava gain access to a network of top-tier RPC providers, that are incentivized to give the best service all around.

⚡ Lava’s decentralized design gives it many advantages over centralized RPC providers:

Maximum Quality of Service — Clients score Providers across latency, freshness and availability in a peer to peer system which determines Provider rewards. Providers are rewarded according to their QoS per session, meaning your users get the best experience possible

Data Integrity — Clients randomly, without charge, sample API endpoints to detect and probabilistically minimize response conflicts. Consensus is created around the data on-chain, with plans for light clients in the future to further remove trust assumptions

Scalable network redundancy — Applications interact with a list of Providers, which maximizes uptime and service coverage. Chains are also able to quickly bootstrap their RPC nodes by creating a new specification on Lava Network for Providers to onboard and offer service

Any chain, any API — With Lava as your provider, you can change your configuration to access any chain and any API currently served by the network. The DAO and contributors can quickly implement new network support using the open-source code, so Developers don’t need to spend time searching for new providers which support their needs

Check out our Litepaper to learn more!

🌋 About Lava

Lava Network is a decentralized network of top-tier API providers that developers can subscribe to for access to any blockchain. Providers are rewarded for their quality of service, meaning your app and users get maximum speed, data integrity and uptime. Pairings are randomized, meaning anyone can query or send transactions on-chain in privacy.

We help developers build web3-native apps on any chain, while giving users the best possible experience.

You can follow all the Lava related news on our Twitter and Discord. You can also read Lava’s Litepaper on our website.

