Another shitty blog about law

In the midst of the chaotic, yet strangely poetic world of high-tech law in Ukraine, here I am, a partner in this dance of legality, unexpectedly finding myself waltzing through the hallowed halls of Rotman School of Management in Toronto.

It’s like one of those old films where the protagonist suddenly finds himself in a top-tier business school, absorbing wisdom and insights. And in true Woody Allen style, I’m neurotically compelled to share these revelations, each one a small, existential piece of a much larger, more comedic puzzle of life and law.

I never really fancied the idea of chasing an MBA degree. The thought of shelling out a small fortune for what seemed like glorified common sense always tickled Scrooge McDuck inside me.

Yet, here I am, courtesy of a twist of fate and a dash of luck. Diving into the world of finance, accounting, statistics, and all those smart professors who did not even try to sell me Herbalife was like a refreshing brain cleanse from my usual jargon of disclaimers and usufruct.

Admittedly, I wasn’t exactly the star pupil; the mysteries of calculating bond yields still baffle me. But strategy? That was my forte. I’d often sit in class, lost in thought, pondering over the existential crisis of legal services and the way my firm Axon Partners may enter the London Stock Exchange immediately making me and my partners extraordinary millionaires loved by FT, Forbes, and Tax Inspections of several jurisdictions.

So, here are some insights, fresh from the executive MBA oven. Don’t expect any earth-shattering revelations, though. It’s more about decluttering my brain and finding a new home for these thoughts.

Let me also introduce myself to you visually:

I am in the center

