Hire a Lawyer or Represent Yourself? Consider the Statistics.

Gina P.
Law & Legal Made Simple
1 min readDec 21, 2016

In all cases, you have the right to represent yourself, but having the right doesn’t mean it’s the best option. One factor that highlights this is the success rate between those who represent themselves (called “pro se”, “unrepresented” or “self-represented”) and those who hire a lawyer (called “represented”).

While there is no nationwide data showing how many people go “pro se” and their success rates, there are pockets of data about this for specific states, courts, and areas of law. The main takeaway: self-represented individuals fare much worse than similar individuals who are represented by lawyers.

Here is a roundup of some of that data. This is a repost from Lawgood’s blog at www.blog.lawgood.io:

Is it better to hire a lawyer or represent yourself? Consider these statistics to decide what is the best option for you.



Gina P.
Law & Legal Made Simple

Lawyer on a mission to make legal services more accessible to everyone via information. Because finding a lawyer should be the least of anyone’s problems.