Good Vibrations

How it works

Carol Warady
3 min readFeb 12, 2014

Read. Watch. Listen. Learn. That’s the way you get to a better understanding of how we as human beings hook up with the Law of Attraction. Very often I find that when I am learning about the Law of Attraction I hear a lot of things repeated. Nothing new, it’s just said in a different way, and yet each time I find that I pick something up that either clarifies things for me or gives me a new way to get to the promised land.

For me, understanding that our thoughts are actual things was not a hard concept. The idea that my thoughts create my reality was something I could easily accept. Getting my thoughts to create the reality I wanted was a horse of a very different color. I banished the bad thoughts when they came, and the Greek chorus in the depth of my subconscious made sure they came as often as possible. I focused to the best of my ability on the positive but it wasn’t until I heard Esther Hicks speak, that I got a piece of the puzzle I had missed. It’s your vibration stupid.

The universe and everything in it vibrates. Think of it as the universal language. We may not be able to hear it but we definitely speak it. This is like Universal Language Skills 101. So, if sub atomic particles vibrate in a certain way then how do we change the vibration?

An easy analogy is one I have heard from Bob Proctor. Water is the liquid form of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Using energy from a heat source you can change the water into vapor or steam. It’s still water but it’s vibrating at a different level. Same with us. Add positive energy and we feel a certain way. Same for negative energy. The feeling we get is different depending on what kind of energy we are experiencing. When it’s negative we feel frustration, self doubt all the way to despair and anything in between. Not fun for us and the universe can sense it. If we have a positive vibe we feel joy and love and the universe likes it as much as we do.

Getting a great vibe is easy. Find something that makes you laugh or think of things that bring you joy. Maybe even both. I was recently in my bank for some serious business. While waiting for the outcome I started to hear the chorus in my head and they were singing that country song where your spouse leaves and they repossess your car. I did the only thing I could think of doing in the middle of the bank. I thought about Bulldog puppies. Lots and lots of Bulldog puppies. I got what I wanted from the bank that day.

Stay away from negative people. I do because I tend to absorb some of their negativity if I’m around them too long. Yoga helps me quash the chorus in my subconscious if it gets too loud. I’m new at yoga so it takes all of my focus just to hold a pose. My chorus loves an audience. If they don’t have one they leave. I have been known to put on some music and dance like I’m in a Beyonce video. You get the idea. Do what makes you feel good. James Brown knew what he was singing about.

Once you find what you want in your reality add some good vibrations and the universe will respond. Life has ups and downs. Decide to be happy no matter what and the downs will get shorter. Even if you’re hanging on by a single strand of happy don’t let go. Louise Hay said “Love life and it will love you back.” Love is the best vibration of them all. Even the seemingly cold vacuum of the universe needs and responds to love.



Carol Warady

Mashup of writer in progress, political junkie,TV lover,animal lover,Charley lover, and the right amount of goofy.Best served w/coffee