Ancestral Intelligence

Jyn Lynk
Published in
1 min readSep 8, 2019


Photo by Matt Atherton on Unsplash

I wish we had the wisdom the ancients had. I don’t believe they were cave men.

As we stand on these tribal lands, I realize that there is an intelligence here that we don’t understand.

We can’t read the clouds or the birds. I don’t know how to locate spices in the wild.

I think they understood time as well. They knew it was relative before Einstein. They knew how to tell time without a watch.

They knew how to watch the sky for signs.

And signs they saw.

The same signs are still here.

I just can’t recognize them…



Jyn Lynk

Becoming the best version of myself in life, love and law, realizing that living life is the gray area. email: